
Friday, August 12, 2016

It's that time of year again...

Dogs feature in starring roles in many movies and TV shows, and they are also the main characters in many works of fiction.  I could spend all day writing about the movies and books I have come to love because of their canine icons.  But instead, I am currently focused on one group of canines who were the main characters in a series of books in the 1920’s through the 1930’s.  The books were mainly works of fiction, but they also included many real events, and the dogs in the books were very real.  They lived, played, and died at Sunnybank, and their lives were forever immortalized on the pages of Albert Payson Terhune’s books.  

I’ve written many times about Sunnybank, and the wonderful Sunnybank collies.  And each summer around this time many collie lovers and Terhune fans begin to get ready…for it’s almost time for The Gathering of Collies at Sunnybank!  Reservations are made, collies are bathed and groomed, and we begin to pack for our trip to “Collie Mecca.”  For many diehard Terhune fans, this is the one weekend they eagerly await all year.  For on the banks of Sunnybank, though the main house and barn are long gone, the collies and their people gather for two days to explore the grounds, visit the graves of the Sunnybank collies, and to socialize.  There are guest speakers, silent auctions, fun and games, a collie puppy match, and even a memorial for the collies that have left us.  

Next weekend we will also be making the journey to Sunnybank, and we will be bringing some of our collies.  I can’t wait to walk the grounds with my own collies, visit with friends, and of course take lots of pictures!  We are going to enter our puppies in the puppy match, which is just a fun way to introduce puppies to dog shows.  And we are just going to sit, and soak it all in, remembering our past trips to Sunnybank while we look out across the remaining 10 acres of “The Place.”

You can read more about Sunnybank by clicking HEREHERE, and Also HERE. There is truly no other dog event that can compare to The Gathering, and I am so happy I can share the experience, with all of you.


  1. Sunnybank sounds very interesting, thank you for telling us about it.

  2. Hi there, It's been awhile since I visited and I've missed reading about your beautiful Collies(so thank you for visiting me). I am not familiar with Terhune's books, but I always loved watching Lassie. When I was a young teen a neighbor had a Collie and I really wanted one, but our family had allergies and it wouldn't work. I'll be checking back to see how your trip is. Again, simply beautiful pups.

  3. That's really cool. We're looking forward to seeing some photos from the event. We're sure that if we went, we'd end up with more dogs at our house.

  4. that sounds like an awesome place to visit

  5. I'd love to go to Sunnybank. Thanks fur sharing!
    From Vancouver,
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  6. that was a very touching but super beautiful post... what a great event and what a great place...and I send a hug to all families who lost their collie friend....

  7. Sounds like a wonderful place to visit!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  8. I've always wanted to go to Sunnybank for the gathering! I'll be looking forward to your photos when you get back. It always looks like so much fun.

  9. Sounds like a great place to visit! There used to be a similar annual gathering of Golden Retrievers and their humans in the UK. I've never been to it, and don't even know if it's still held or not; but I'd love to be able to go at least once.

  10. Oh wow, that looks an amazing place to go :) Thanks fur sharing and fur stopping by my blog the other day!

    Bestest purrs

    Basil & Co xox

  11. Looking forward to your pictures,it sounds like a fun place to go,I`d be in collie heaven!phyllis

  12. Visit the Facebook page called Sunnybank - Terhune Collies. Lots of photos. It was a lovely gathering

  13. Visit the Facebook page called Sunnybank - Terhune Collies. Lots of photos. It was a lovely gathering

  14. We wish that we were joining you. Hopefully, one day we will travel to Sunnybank.

    Sherman & Gemini

  15. I will love to visit Sunnybank too!!! It looks like a great place to gather together and have fun. Post some photos:)
