
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Need help!

Hey there!  Ryder and Kori here!  We joined a photo contest, to have our picture in a calendar to raise money for two bloggers who need our help.  The bloggers are both dog lovers.  One family was hit hard by Hurricane Sandy, and the other has enormous vet bills right now.  They are trying to save their dog, who had a rare, and serious reaction to her vaccinations.   But first, we need votes!  Please go here:

Scroll down to the bottom, and please vote for us, once every 24 hours!  And you can also find the details on how to purchase a calendar by clicking on the link.  Thank you!


  1. I'z entered that, my photo will have to be for summer on the beach it'z cwap..BOL I willz vote for you and you vote for me..BOL xxooxx
    Mollie and Alfie

  2. I'm off to vote! I hope you win.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  3. OMD, three of my friends are in this contest!! Good luck guys! Today's vote went to you beautiful collies!! :-D Have a great weekend!!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! Ryder and Kori say thanks too!

  5. I think I voted. I didn't seen an actual vote button, so I'm guessing I voted when I clicked on the picture?

    1. You have to go down to the bottom. There should be the names, with a choice to click on which dog you pick, and then a button to submit your "vote."

      If you only see percentages, and results next to the names, you may have to try opening a different browser, like Internet Explorer. Sorry, but it's glitchy.

  6. No worries, I'll go back and complete the vote!

  7. We voted for you! Good luck!

  8. Wez voted for you at my granniez house and Molly the wally at our house, youz is doing so well and your picture is just beautiful..xx00xx

    1. Ha Ha we keep putting the wrong link BOL x0xx
      Mollie and Alfie

    2. Thank you so much! We deeply appreciate it! We have been networking, and have had people promise to buy a calendar if our collies win the cover! (these are our collie friends, who collect collie items). This was such a great idea, I hope it raises a lot of money!
