Friday, September 13, 2024

Fast CAT? No, it should be called Fast Collie!

We had another busy weekend, and the collies made it to another Fast CAT trial.  ZuZu, “Lightning Legs McCollie”, had two great runs.  On her second run she had her fastest time yet!  She only needs 15 more points for the first Fast CAT title.  With her speed, she is already in the top 40 fastest runs for collies.

Addi, my sweet, happy-go-lucky girl, did her best.  But with her calm, laidback personality, she is unlikely to set any records.  She has decent times and has so much fun chasing the plastic bag, and that's all that really matters.  She will hopefully get enough points at the next trial, on the 29th, to also earn her first Fast CAT title, BCAT.

And then there is Peyton.  Her first run went really well, with Peyton finally earning a respectable time.  And looking at her face in the picture, she seemed to be really enjoying it.  But on her second run, she changed her mind halfway down the track, and gave up the chase.  In her collie mind, it just wasn’t worth it.  I’m not quite ready to give up yet, because I think she’s having fun, it’s hard to tell with my stoic girl.

All these amazing pictures were taken by Wild Sage Photography
All these amazing pictures were taken by Wild Sage Photography

I’m so thankful we discovered this fun dog sport! The collies are really enjoying getting the chance to hang out with us at the events, the fresh air and sunshine, and the excitement of everyone cheering for them.  The collies 10/10 recommend giving Fast CAT a try!


  1. Fun is the name of the game. Hopefully everyone will start to enjoy it-I can imagine Elsa having a "what's in it for me" agenda. 😆
    Great pics!

  2. Never imagined collies as running dogs like that😍

  3. Java Bean: "Ayyyy, running flat-out sure is fun! Especially if you can plow into your sister at the end of it!"

  4. Way ta go, ZuZu! All of you look like you're having so much fun!

  5. Your collies are so beautiful! I wish I could see them run in person!
