
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Wordless Wednesday - Love is…

 Shining in her eyes…

Addi and I took a walk to the creek, to enjoy the sunset.  The sweet look in her eyes just melts my heart.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Addi has news…

 With everything going on, we Al,ost forgot to share Addison’s news.  Addi just earned her new therapy dog title, THDX.  This one is awarded when a therapy dog has completed 200 therapy visits.  Addi has become a favorite at many of the locations we visit, and we hope to continue doing therapy visits in the upcoming years.  My little collie is proving that there isn’t anything she can’t do!  I can’t wait to try Barnhunt with her, and hopefully herding as well.

Good girl Addi, good girl!

Ode to a Therapy dog

Therapy dog, with eyes so kind,

Bringing comfort to heart and mind.

With gentle paws and wagging tail, 

a healing spirit without fail.

You listen without judgement or scorn,

Giving solace as we heal or mourn.

In times of need, 

You are always near,

Dispelling sadness and erasing fear.

You offer a touch of warmth and light,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

Therapy dog, our loyal friend,

Thank you for the love without end.

(I wrote this with some help of AI, so I can’t claim full credit)

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Some Fast CAT fun!

 The pictures from last weekend’s Fast CAT finally came!  I think they came out great, so I had to share them!






Look at those happy faces!  If you were wondering if you should try Fast CAT with your dog, you absolutely should! I’m not sure the quality of these pictures comes through on the collie blog.  If you want to see a clearer version, stop by our instagram, @Smoothcollies 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

You were warned…

We are still enjoying mild Fall temperatures, so the collies and I are taking advantage of the sunshine before the days grow cold.  This week I did a therapy visit with a friend and her collie, Kelsea.  After the visit we ran over to my favorite picture spot, and I took some pictures of my seniors, Ryder and Scarlett, along with Kelsea.  I did warn everyone that Autumn is my favorite season for photographing the collies! So while the leaves change, and the days grow shorter, we will be sharing some of our favorite pictures each week.  And so it’s not just pictures, I am including some Autumn collie poems, that AI helped me create.  Usually I write my own poems, but wanted to give this new AI feature a try.  

Ryder, 13 years old, and the sweetest boy!

Kelsea, she is a doll

In a field of golden pumpkins,
Stands a loyal Collie dog,
With fur as soft as silk,
And eyes as deep as fog.

He guards the harvest with pride,
A sentry in the night,
Barking at shadows that hide,
In the pale moonlight.

Among the orange gourds,
He frolics and plays,
His joy singing out loud,
In the crisp autumn days.

With every wag of his tail,
He brings warmth to our hearts,
A friend that will never fail,
As the season departs.

So here's to the Collie,
Among the pumpkins so fine,
A loyal companion always,
In this harvest time.

Scarlett and Ryder

In the crisp autumn air, the Collie plays
Amongst the fields of golden maize
With a coat as rich as a pumpkin's glow
He roams freely, with a graceful flow

His eyes reflecting the colors of fall
As the leaves gently cascade, one and all
His loyalty as unwavering as the autumn sun
A faithful companion, always on the run

Through pumpkin patches, he frolics and plays
His spirit brightening the autumn days
With every bark and playful leap
He warms our hearts, our souls he keeps

So let us cherish this Collie dear
In the season of autumn, so clear
For in his presence, we find pure joy
A loyal friend, our hearts employ.

Scarlett 12 1/2 years old, and my perfect girl!

In the autumn's golden light,

The collie runs with all her might.

Through fields of pumpkins ripe and round,

Her joyful spirit can be found.

With fur as soft as fallen leaves,

She romps and plays among the sheaves.

Her eyes aglow with autumn's fire,

A loyal friend that will never tire.

I think the poems aren’t too bad, considering they were written by a computer!  They definitely captured the sentiment of our collies amidst the beautiful Autumn scenery. Going forward though, I think I will stick to my own poor attempts when creating poems about my collies, because the one thing AI can’t do, is write from the heart.  Happy Fall, hope everyone is getting out and enjoying the foliage while it lasts!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

It’s National Black Dog Day…

It’s also adopt a shelter/rescue dog month.  So we decided to feature some tri color collies looking for their Forever homes!  We’ve heard it over and over, Dogs with black fur are typically the last to be adopted.  Which I find surprising, as I think they are absolutely beautiful.  One researcher said that it’s true there are more black dogs (and black cats) euthanized, it’s because there are more of them in shelters than any other color.  Whatever the reason, they deserve a home, so we are sharing some collies available to adopt today.

The first two collies, Artemis and Marlowe, are from Collie Rescue of the Carolinas 

The next collie, Suzie, is from the Collie Rescue League of New England

Suzie is a lovely three-year old tricolor lady.  She is affectionate, likes people and other animals and has perfect leash walking manners.  She enjoys exploring new neighborhoods on her walks or sniffing her way along new trails.  She has an average amount of energy.  She plays with toys sometimes, but would rather interact with a person or another dog.  

 Suzie's appetite is good, she likes car rides and is used to being groomed.  She has a heavy, dense coat.  She had a little obedience training as a pup, but would probably enjoy more.  She's comfortable going into strange places and downtown areas.  Suzie benefitted in foster from a routine.  She has a schedule for getting up, her two meals a day and her walks.  She is also suitable for some home offices.  

 Suzie has lots of potential.  She could try anything - obedience, trick training, maybe tracking, etc.  You pick.  She'll give anything a try.  And there's still some puppy inside her.

The next two collies, Astrid and Chester, are from Freedom Collie Rescue, in Texas.

"Astrid is a truly sweet and beautiful 2 year old smooth collie.  Although she hasn’t been exposed to much, she is slowly coming out of her shell and will flourish in a safe, loving and nurturing forever home.  She is definitely a cuddle bug with people, wanting to lay next to you and giving you affectionate licks to show her love.  And she especially enjoys the company of other dogs in the family, wanting to play or being submissive to them to gain their affection.  She would most likely do well in a home with another dog or dogs because she feels more confident with them.  She enjoys going out for walks, meeting other dogs, and letting people/children pet her, sniffing around in the fresh grass, and exploring.  However, loud sounds and busy/new environments cause her to become nervous and anxious.  With more exposure, time, and patience, she can better adjust and be more relaxed.  She also prefers being indoors, near you, or another dog, or finding a nice spot in the house to take her naps.  She’s housebroken, crate-trained, knows how to use the doggy door, and can also jump into the car.  All she really needs is a family to show her love and patience and she will return that love tenfold.  A fenced yard is required. She is being fostered in the San Antonio, Texas area Apply at:

Happiness is my game.  Hello, I’m Chester! My foster parents call me Chess and I am two years old. I’m a shy, but loving, and give kisses once I get to know you better. I’ve not had much of a social life previously, so my foster parents take me out to experience people, children and pets. Car rides are fun for me. People comment that I am well-mannered and calm. I’m housetrained but right now I’m wearing a belly band to minimize marking in the presence of other male dogs while my hormones calm down from being neutered. I'm up to date on my shots, and on a heart worm preventative. I was diagnosed with heart worms when I first came into rescue, and will be getting my first heart worm treatment injection in early October. I just need to remain calm to get rid of these nasty heart worms! You can foster to adopt me and the rescue covers all expenses and once my heart worm treatment is complete, I can be officially adopted!

Toys- I love them! My favorites are tennis balls and sticks. And who doesn’t like treats? My favorite outings are going for walks and running around outdoors when there is backyard playtime. My foster parents say I’m well-mannered on a leash while walking in the neighborhood, don’t pull and follow along with them. Would love to be in a home with other dogs or I’m happy to hang out with just a human friend.  Did I say I like to snuggle?  Please provide a fenced yard for me to run around, and you may apply for me at

If you are thinking of getting a dog as a companion, collies make excellent best friends!  There are so many wonderful collies in rescues and shelters across the country right now.  Or if a collie is not what you are looking for, please consider one of the thousands of black dogs searching for a home.  This is actually a very personal cause for me.  My first dog was a little black puppy that I adopted from a shelter.  I named her Mojo, and she was a black lab/shepherd mix.  She was the smartest, most loyal dog I have ever known.  And when the sun hit her black fur, she was just stunning.  I wish I could share a video of her beauty.  Black dogs are just as sweet and loyal as dogs with lighter colored fur, and just as deserving of loving homes.  (Black kitties too!) 

Monday, September 30, 2024

Autumn days are swiftly passing…

 Another busy Autumn weekend has come and gone.  We tried to enjoy every moment, and it was a definite success!

On Saturday I took my Mom to a local fair.  She was very happy, as she just celebrated her 88th birthday and she didn’t think she would get to see another fair.  But I had bought her a transport wheelchair, and convinced her to give it a try.  We had a nice time, and were able to enjoy some delicious fair food while we were there!

On Sunday we were entered at another Fast CAT trial.  This time my daughter also brought Sorsha and Rosie, to let them give it a try.  And it was not really a surprise, they both loved it!  They did very well, and earned lots of points for their first try at Fast CAT.  Peyton earned some additional points, and we finally figured out how to help her succeed.  As long as a stranger releases her, she runs right after the lure, straight to me.  It is only when my daughter or I release her that she turns around, and returns to us.  I wish we had figured it out sooner!  

And we have exciting news, both Addison and ZuZu earned their first Fast CAT titles!   Both girls had great runs, ZuZu even beat her best time.  And they now have the “BCAT” title after their names!

Then on late Sunday afternoon I took Winter and my mother’s collie, Phoebe to Petco.  We had them take the Canine Good Citizen test, and both passed with ease.  So they get to add the CGC title to their names.  This is Phoebe’s first title ever, and I think she was feeling very proud of herself.  I will post pictures when their certificates come from AKC.  That makes six new titles earned by our collies yesterday!  Is the math not mathing?  With their new BCAT titles, Addi and ZuZu also qualify for the Fit dog title, FITB!  What a great weekend!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

My Autumn Collie


In the brisk Autumn air,

The collie bounds,

Into the forest of red and gold,

A Fall palette of color surrounds.

Dancing through the falling leaves,

His steps are swift and light,

Chasing squirrels through the trees,

His playful spirit takes flight.

His burnished coat of red and brown,

His paws so snowy white,

His beauty steals my breath away,

In my Autumn collie I delight.

~ Kat Pirro

These pictures were from many years ago, when my Ryder was a young collie.  But they are some of my favorites so I wanted to share them once again.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Rowdy, the Hero Collie

In previous posts I wrote about hero collies, and their devotion and loyalty to their families. And this past week another heroic collie has been in the news for his act of bravery and love. A four year old child named Tommy, wandered away from his family’s Kentucky home and was lost. Though lost and separated from his family, the child was not alone. The family’s four dogs stayed by Tommy’s side throughout the night. One of the dogs, a collie named Rowdy, had sustained life threatening injuries when he fought off an unknown animal during the ordeal. Upon discovering the child and his four guardians, the rescuers believed that Rowdy had stopped breathing. Believing the dog had passed away from his injuries and severe blood loss, they decided to focus on getting the child to safety, and planned to return for Rowdy’s body. 

Photo from Rowdy’s owner

Before anyone could go back and retrieve Rowdy, the family noticed the injured collie, battered and limping, slowly making his way up their driveway. He had found his way home, back to the family he loved! Rowdy was rushed to the local animal hospital where he is expected to make a full recovery. Hopkins County Humane Society is covering all of Rowdy’s medical expenses, to honor the collie’s brave and loyal heart.

Photo from Rowdy’s owner

Rowdy the collie’s heartwarming story is yet another example of why I love this dog breed so much! Good boy Rowdy, good boy…