
Thursday, October 3, 2024

You were warned…

We are still enjoying mild Fall temperatures, so the collies and I are taking advantage of the sunshine before the days grow cold.  This week I did a therapy visit with a friend and her collie, Kelsea.  After the visit we ran over to my favorite picture spot, and I took some pictures of my seniors, Ryder and Scarlett, along with Kelsea.  I did warn everyone that Autumn is my favorite season for photographing the collies! So while the leaves change, and the days grow shorter, we will be sharing some of our favorite pictures each week.  And so it’s not just pictures, I am including some Autumn collie poems, that AI helped me create.  Usually I write my own poems, but wanted to give this new AI feature a try.  

Ryder, 13 years old, and the sweetest boy!

Kelsea, she is a doll

In a field of golden pumpkins,
Stands a loyal Collie dog,
With fur as soft as silk,
And eyes as deep as fog.

He guards the harvest with pride,
A sentry in the night,
Barking at shadows that hide,
In the pale moonlight.

Among the orange gourds,
He frolics and plays,
His joy singing out loud,
In the crisp autumn days.

With every wag of his tail,
He brings warmth to our hearts,
A friend that will never fail,
As the season departs.

So here's to the Collie,
Among the pumpkins so fine,
A loyal companion always,
In this harvest time.

Scarlett and Ryder

In the crisp autumn air, the Collie plays
Amongst the fields of golden maize
With a coat as rich as a pumpkin's glow
He roams freely, with a graceful flow

His eyes reflecting the colors of fall
As the leaves gently cascade, one and all
His loyalty as unwavering as the autumn sun
A faithful companion, always on the run

Through pumpkin patches, he frolics and plays
His spirit brightening the autumn days
With every bark and playful leap
He warms our hearts, our souls he keeps

So let us cherish this Collie dear
In the season of autumn, so clear
For in his presence, we find pure joy
A loyal friend, our hearts employ.

Scarlett 12 1/2 years old, and my perfect girl!

In the autumn's golden light,

The collie runs with all her might.

Through fields of pumpkins ripe and round,

Her joyful spirit can be found.

With fur as soft as fallen leaves,

She romps and plays among the sheaves.

Her eyes aglow with autumn's fire,

A loyal friend that will never tire.

I think the poems aren’t too bad, considering they were written by a computer!  They definitely captured the sentiment of our collies amidst the beautiful Autumn scenery. Going forward though, I think I will stick to my own poor attempts when creating poems about my collies, because the one thing AI can’t do, is write from the heart.  Happy Fall, hope everyone is getting out and enjoying the foliage while it lasts!


  1. Love your poems and your gorgeous Collie surrounded by pumpkins and everything Autumn!

  2. Such beautiful photos of those sweet collies and such a wonderful poem too! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Beautiful poems. and you are correct. The fall colors are just perfect for the furs of the collies. Beautiful photos.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  4. Those are all beautiful pictures of your pups. We enjoyed the poems too.

  5. Beautiful fall setting for your gorgeous fur babies!
    Rosy & Sunny

  6. Lulu: "Hello, you beautiful fluffy dogs! The poems are pretty good considering they came from a computer. Now if it can learn how to give belly rubs, that would be an excellent next step!"
