
Friday, January 8, 2016

Calling all bloggers...

Because so many of the blogs we follow haven't been updated in a year or more, we are looking to follow a few more.  So please tell us the name (and provide a link if possible) to one or two of your favorite blogs.  Which ones make you laugh?  Touch your heart?  Are really informative?  Have great contests?

And if you haven't see this new blog yet, stop by and say hello to:
Holly the Collie. They are relatively new and could use a Blogville welcome.



  1. We will check out that blog.
    stella rose

  2. Your header picture always makes me smile!

    We have so many favorite blogs I can't pick just one!

  3. we will make a list for you :) Checked out that blog - it is little weird looking.

  4. You can probably find a lot of good one by looking at who regularly comments on the blogs you are reading. Like Jen, we always smile at your header.

    We would love to have a new addition here, but Mom isn't being very cooperative with our wishes:(

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  5. Try Romping and Rolling in the Rockies. Also Tails and Tales. They both post every day and are well worth a look.

  6. Us follow us bahhhhh! BOL
    Lily & Edward

  7. Crikey .... I love all my blogging pals. You could follow any of them. I'm sure they would love it. Thankyou for stopping by my blog. I'll check out Holly the Collie.

  8. Thanks for stopping by our blog. We look forward to getting to know you.
