
Sunday, August 25, 2024

Dog show weekend

Another busy, but fun, weekend for the collies!  We are trying to attend as many shows and events as possible right now, as we usually take the Winter months off and hibernate.  In New England the Winters are long, cold, dark and icy, so we limit our driving to local areas only.  Now that the Summer is ending and Autumn is approaching, we have a dog show, trial or event scheduled for nearly every weekend.  This weekend was a dog show weekend, where the collies are judged on their conformation, to earn points towards their championships.  I took Peyton into the ring, while my daughter showed ZuZu.  My daughter is the much better handler, as she grew up competing in junior handling, I’m usually just the back up.  I’m okay with that, as she has been showing collies since she 9 years old, so she has over twenty years of experience!  But today I took Peyton in, and she won her second major!  So proud of our girl, the judge pulled us aside afterward to tell us how much she loved Peyton, and her beautiful expression.  With today’s points, Peyton is very close to finishing her championship, which is very exciting for us.

After the show we took the girls to a FastCAT practice, as Peyton was a little unsure last time, and because ZuZu has never tried it.  We have Peyton, ZuZu and Addison entered next weekend in a two day FastCAT trial.  We wanted to help prepare Peyton and ZuZu for the trial, so they can get their best times.  It should be so much fun, and ZuZu did amazing today, she was so fast!  We got a video of her first practice run, I can’t wait to see how she does next weekend.  She watched Peyton and Addi do their practice runs first, and figured it out right just by watching them.  If you missed our explanation on how FastCAT works, please click here.   

Is there anything these collies aren’t good at?  I haven’t found anything they aren’t willing to try…except dock diving, they are not huge fans of getting wet, so that is one thing I think we will skip. Trying all these new sports has been so enjoyable, I just love their versatility!


  1. Congratulations! Can’t wait to come back and read of Peyton becoming a champion!

  2. it sounds as if congratulations are in order. Thanks for the link to the FastCAT explanation. Being cats, we sure wondered what that was about. And thanks especially for joining our Sunday Selfies blog hop. We hope you will come back often. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  3. Congratulations, Peyton, and we so enjoyed you working at FastCat, Zuzu!

  4. Lulu: "Congratulations, Peyton! We are looking forward to being able to call you Champeyton!"

  5. Way to go. Your pups are most talented.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to your babies. ♥

  6. WooHoo Happy Sunday Selfie and goodnessme, I KNOW you will WIN and we can call you CHAMPION! Like the Kitties Blue were were a little unsure what FastCAT was (well you know we cats can run!) now we know!!

    Marjorie and Miranda

  7. Woo hoo! Congratulations. I can see why the judge loved your pretty Peyton-she's just gorgeous. 💙

  8. "Is there anything these collies aren’t good at? " Lassie taught us that! Ha! Well done to you both!

  9. Congrats to Peyton (and her handler). We hope you get some fast runs this weekend.

  10. Hi, just a quick note to let you know we're still NOT getting any subscriptions by mail; will sign up again, see what happens. Thanks for coming by our blog ... apurrciated!

  11. Dang, I was here and left a comment but I just it just disappeared. Congratutions!!! Look at those beautiful ribbons!

  12. Woo! Congratulations, Peyton!

    Gosh, I'm not in New England, but on the east coast of NY and is a long, cold winter. Trying to hang on to the last of the summer days and I'll be clinging to the autumn days before I hibernate! Now that I all my beloved Huskies are all at the Rainbow Bridge, I no longer venture out in the snow. Oh, how I loved to play with them on snowy days. Now, you'll find me wrapped up in front of the fireplace!

    ZuZu did so good! I had never head of FastCAT! I'm impressed! I'm thinking my Huskies (with their prey drive and speed) would have love that!

    And no, there is nothing Collies can't do! I miss my Mom's two from when I lived home. Beautiful and smart!

    Good luck for the rest of the show season, even though I know you won't need it as they will steal the shows!

  13. We just saw a special note (on the CB) that RYDER is having his 13th birthday today! YAY, a teenager ... you go for it, have fun, hope you get some great pressies and extra treats! Happy Barkday!
