Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Meet Kori!

Still reminiscing, so Sharing this post From June 2013, back when my Kori was young…

Let me tell you about my sunshine girl, Kori.  She is Abby's daughter, and the first smooth collie that I ever bred.  When interacting with all the collies, she gets along with everyone, but her best friend is her younger sister, Scarlett.  The two of them put their heads together, and create a lot of mischief!  Kori is the first to make new dog friends at dog shows or the dog park.  

She is 21 months old, and will turn 2 years old on August 30th.  Kori spends most of her day playing with Scarlett and the other collies.  Throughout the day, she will check in with me, for some quick loves and attention, and then she is off playing once again.  And while she is pretty independent during the day, at night Kori curls up against me to sleep, wanting to be as close as possible to me while we slumber.


Kori is very gentle, like the rest of our collies, but she is a bit of an imp.  I have watched her sit back and look around the room, searching for something to grab, or some mischief to accomplish.  Now that she is almost 2 years old, she seems to be less inclined to grab things she shouldn't, but she still slips sometimes.  And her younger sister is usually the cause, as Scarlett engages Kori in games of keep-away with things they have stolen from us.  One time, when we had company, Kori and Scarlett decided it was the perfect time to play keep-away, with one of my daughter's bras, right in front of everyone.


Kori is growing up to be a very pretty young collie.  We began training her to compete at dog shows when she was little, and then we waited for her to mature.  We have recently started entering her at dog shows, and she seems to enjoy them.  She isn't as excited by dog shows as Holly is, but she has fun.  Sometimes she has too much fun.  For some reason Kori thinks running around the ring is actually a race!  She is supposed to move at a nice pace, and she does move at the correct speed when we take her to handling class.  But at the dog shows, she starts running faster and faster, until she is trying to pull my daughter around the ring.  We are working hard on fixing this, by trying to convince her to move a bit slower in the show ring.

I think the root of the problem is that Kori is built for speed!  When we take her to the dog park she races around the park, and none of the other dogs can keep up with her.  She loves to run, and she is fast.  I have not seen one dog able to catch her yet, and I think she enjoys leading the chase.  So at the dog shows, when she is following the other dogs around the ring, she is speeding up because she wants to be in the lead and she wants to show the other collies what she can do.

Each of my collies is special in his or her own way.  I love them for their individual personalities, and I love them for their wonderful collie temperaments.  But out of all our collies, Kori reminds me the most of our first collie, Lad.  She resembles him, as if she were a feminine version of Lad. Since I miss him a lot, she is special to me for that reason and for the joy she brings into our lives.  I feel so lucky to have this girl by my side.

Edit to add:
We ended up giving up on showing Kori, which I regret, because she definitely could have earned her championship.  She was so beautiful, and still is, but she just didn’t end up enjoying dog show competitions.  As she matured, she ended up becoming best friends  with Holly and the two of them were often inseparable.  Kori is the center of my collie family, she is the mother or grandmother of all the younger collies we have now.  I can see her beautiful features in all of their sweet faces.
This picture of Kori was taken last night on our walk.



  1. You are a beautiful girl, Kori, and you were such an adorable puppy!

  2. You're such a beautiful pup, Kori. Dogs are such wonderful family members.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  3. Java Bean: "Ayyy, such a cute little puppy, and such a beautiful dog when she grew up! And now a matriarch, too!"

  4. THUD! Sorry, that was me passing out from all of the cuteness! Beautiful!!!

  5. Those are such sweet memories of your beautiful Kori.

  6. She’s so lovely!
