
Sunday, May 12, 2024

Dog show updates!

 Two new collie puppies joined our family last year, and currently live with my daughter.  Rosie, a sable and white rough puppy, and ZuZu, a smooth tri color puppy.  They both turned a year old this past December, and we finally started entering them in dog shows.  We delayed entering them for a couple reasons, the first being that they were too young.  Then when they were old enough, the scary dog virus was making the rounds, so we decided to wait until the dog shows were being held outside, as the virus was respiratory in nature.  The third reason, is that my daughter does most of the handling at dog shows, I’m just the back up, and she was busy giving me my first granddaughter!  My 3rd grandbaby was born in February, and her name is Merryn, and she is absolutely beautiful!  So now that she has arrived, we are back to entering dog shows, and have some exciting news to share.

Last month, in April, we entered four collie specialties, being held on the same weekend.  It was Rosie and ZuZu’s first shows, and they did such a great job.  My daughter gets all the credit, as she did an amazing job training them for the show ring.  Out of the four shows, ZuZu won Reserve Winner’s Bitch twice, and Winner’s Bitch once, giving her the first points towards her championship!  Rosie looked beautiful, and showed like a dream, but was somehow overlooked during the shows.  I’m still very proud of her, and so was her breeder, who was also at the show.  

We are entering quite a number of shows in the upcoming months.  Please wish us luck!


  1. Good luck! Your dogs are all so beautiful!

  2. Congrats to ZuZu on doing so well at the show. We're sure Rosie will get some points this summer too.

  3. Wow! That is so great! Proud of all of you and wishing you all the best of luck in upcoming shows. p.s. love the name Zuzu. So cute!

  4. Congratulations on the both the new grand baby and the wind at the dog shows!

  5. Java Bean: "Ayyy, I don't know how anyone could overlook beautiful Rosie!"
    Lulu: "Zuzu! That is one of my nicknames!"

  6. Rosie and ZuZu are so beautiful!

  7. Good luck my friend.
