Friday, May 26, 2017

ISO Pet Bloggers...

I established the collie blog 5 years ago this month.  So I guess it's our 5 year Blogiversary!  It's been a fun 5 years, and I've discovered so many interesting blogs along the way!  One thing I noticed over the years, from watching new blogs start and some older blogs end, is that it's difficult to keep track.  I wish there was a better way to discover new blogs to read.  I realize there are posts set up to welcome new pet bloggers to the community, but that's only a handful of the new blogs, as so many others are missed and it doesn't help us find blogs that have been around for awhile.

I'm always looking for new or interesting blogs to read, and I seem to find new ones all the time by joining different blog hops.  But I was wondering, has anyone ever created a "discover new pet blogs" hop?  It would be a great opportunity for fellow bloggers to post about their favorite blogs, and post links, so the others could visit too.  But it would have to be a way to share new blogs, or existing blogs with few followers, and not just the well-known, popular blogs.  I've never hosted a blog hop, so I'm not sure how to set it up, or advertise it.  But it occurred to me that one might already exist, and I just haven't found it.

So how do you discover new blogs to read and follow?


  1. I find new blogs from joining a variety of blog hops. I co-host the Pet Parade each Friday and also belong to Blogville. If you aren't familiar with the awesome people and pets in Blogville, let me know. ☺ Do you belong to BlogPaws?

  2. Happy Blogoversary! While that is a good idea, once people post there once, they are no longer "new"...........there are TONS of blog hops out there Sunday Selfies, Caturday Art (dogs are welcome there), Pet Parade (that's on Fridays), Thankful Thursday Blog Hop, BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday, Jodi Stone has the Pet Bloggers Showcase (that is more of what you are already talking about).........there are so many...just google Blog Hops.......all you do is start one and ad the "linky".........then you have to spread the word. You can get the "Linky" from other hops and it will tell you how to set it up. In my opinion, there are so many blog hops that I would just join some existing ones. (Most of us who are on the hops are all the same people week after week) so creating something just for "new" blogs, might not be in your best interest but it's up to you. It's still a good idea.

  3. Oh, another way to find new and great blogs is on Instagram and I joined blogging pages on Facebook that are NOT pet related because I like reading A LOT of different blogs, not just pet blogs.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful idea ! I usually blog hop from one follower to another, but most times, it's from reading a comment, and having a little visit to that person's blog.
    I've never owned a Collie, just Yorkshire Terriers, but I have to admit I am smitten with their kind, intelligent personality.

  5. That is a great idea. We have been blogging for eight years so I don't think we qualify as new.

  6. I tend to scan the names of the commenters on blogs that I like to find potential new blogs to follow. It is getting harder - because so many are stopping blogging. I like your idea of a hop for people to find out about blogs that they might like.

  7. happy blog-o-versary ;o) wordpress picks the blogs what fit to the search terms I added... I can not say that it works but it can be very funny to see their selection LOL

  8. I've been checking out other people's comments mostly. That seems to help! :D

  9. Hi ... there is a Blogville Welcome Wagon that covers new bloggers (not all, but some, if they are notified about them). Agree it is hard, but then, we've blogged just about 10-years and now it is harder than ever to keep up with so many! Like you, we find some by taking part in others blog hops.
    Congratulations on your 5th year of blogging!

  10. I do a google search for "collie blogs" or "rug hooking blogs" or "art doll blogs". Of course, lots of them turn out to be dead in the water--last post three years ago. But it still nets some good info.

  11. Happy Blogaversary.

    We find other blogs by looking at comments on other peoples blogs.

    Sherman & Gemini

  12. hello collies its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy blogoversary to yoo!!! menny happy reeterns!!! hay i am in the dogs with blogs aka dwb groop and also in the blogville groop ar yoo in those groops??? if not then yoo mite find sum noo pet blogs their!!! ok bye
