
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Our first award

We see a lot of awards being given to many of the blogs we read.  My collies and I got together, and decided to create our own award!

This award is for blogs that are both touching and heartwarming.  So our first "Heartwarming Blog Award" is going to our friends at Collies of the Meadow.  Their blog can be found here:  Chuck, we know you are dealing with the loss of your beloved Trevor right now, but we want you to know how much we enjoy your stories about your collies.


  1. Hi! Thanks for visiting our blog and it's always nice to find some new blogging friends, especially if they own collies or shelties :)
    What a beautiful award and the puppy in the picture looks almost like a soft toy! How cute!!! Sorry to hear about your friends' loss but I'm sure they will be very touched by your award.

    1. Thank you! His name is Captain, and he's living with his new family now. But he was/is the sweetest boy!

      I'm so glad I found so many blogs about Shelties and collies here...herding breeds just make such amazing companions! :)

  2. That is just the cutest award I think I've ever seen and what a deserving blog you have given it to. We all feel Chuck's pain so deeply.

    1. His blog was actually the first one I started reading when I decided to make one of my own. He seems to care as deeply for his collies as we do, so he seemed the perfect choice for this award! :)

  3. How wonderful to create your own! And what an adorable puppy to grace the award!

    New follower here! I look forward to reading more!

    The Mama

    1. Thanks for adding me! I added you back to my list of blogs to follow! We have a couple ideas for two more awards. I'm still relatively new to blogging, I've been on LJ for years, and I guess that is sort of a blog. But it's much easier to use. However, it's more community based, and these are public.

  4. Thank you so much or the award. :) We are deeply moved by this. Our collies mean everything to us and each loss is deeply felt and leaves us heartbroken. Having so many nice friends who send us so much support and support helps more then anyone can imagine.
    Again, thank you so much for the award! The collies are howling their approval!
    With Deep Appreciation!
    The Collies and Chuck :)

    1. I'm glad you liked the award! I decided to create an award, and then I decided on that one, with you in mind! :)

  5. You certainly picked a deserving blog. Keep up the pawsome work.

    Essex & Sherman
