Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Happy 12th birthday to the best dogs in the world,

Today was a special day, today my two oldest collies turned 12 years old.  They have given me 12 years of love and companionship, 12 years of smiles and friendship.  And I’m so grateful to celebrate another birthday with them, as every day with a senior dog is a blessing.  They also have a brother, Luke, who is just as loved by his family.

It happened before I was ready, and my heart is heavy knowing there won’t be many more birthdays.  But we are choosing to live in the moment, to embrace the gift of each day we are together, and hoping for many more to come.

What do you do when your dog grows old? 
When his feet are tired and the pads are worn? 
When your words of praise are muffled in his ears, and his eyes are milky from their years of use?
When his face is grizzled and his color isn't as vibrant?

You love him.

You rub the feet that dutifully carried him by your side.
You speak your praises more loudly, so everybody else can hear the words that he can't.
You guide him the way he has guided you, and prevent him from getting lost as you were before he came along.
You kiss his muzzle and admire the wisdom that has beset him in his later years.

And when it comes time to put him to his final rest, knowing that an irreplaceable part of your heart will follow him, you will do so knowing that you loved him.

And he loved you more.

Jackie Short-Nguyen

I also wanted to include a link, because these collies had an unusual birth story, it can be found here:

The collies born from a storm


  1. Happy 12th Birthday! Seniors are the best!

  2. ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday Dear Best Dogs in the World,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you.♪♫

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  3. Happy Birthday to Ryder and Kori! We hope you have many more happy and healthy birthdays to celebrate.

  4. Happy Birthday to you sweet doggies ~ 12 years! Wow! wonderful photos of you two and your brother ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Lulu: "Happy big one-two, collies!"
    Java Bean: "¡Feliz cumpleaños!"
    Lulu: "And many happy returns!"

  6. Happy Birthday Kori and Ryder! What a scare it must have been when they were born. So sorry for the loss of the little girl. I agree, seniors are the best!!

  7. I'm sorry I'm late but Happy Birthday to two of the most beautiful pups we know. We hope your special day was super special, just like you two! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Happy 12th Birthday!
    Love the adorable photos.

  9. Happy Birthday! I've only had one Sheltie who made it to 12. Their lives are just too short. Give them lots of love and cookies.

  10. I'm catching up on my reading, and am so glad that I didn't miss this post. What a beautiful post, and what a wonderful celebration. Like you said, and as I know the dogs do, I try to be like them, and enjoy the moments we have, and not think of what we may not have. Your collies are really beautiful, and I know they bring you joy and happiness and so much more. You are all lucky and blessed to have one another. ❤

  11. A belated happy birthday to you pups!
