Thursday, January 24, 2019

9th Annual Pet Blogger Challenge

Ever year Amy Burkert of the Go Pet Friendly blog hosts the Annual Pet Blogger Challenge.  It's a Blog hop, where all kinds of pet blogs link together, to help people discover more about the blogs they already read, or to discover completely new blogs.  We missed the last couple years, but we are excited to once again join the Annual Pet Blogger Challenge!  So let's get started -

1. For those who may be visiting your blog for the first time, how long have you been blogging and what is your main topic?

We have been blogging for 7 years this coming May.  Our blog is about collies, but also includes product reviews, book reviews and dog treat recipes.  (plus, a little of this and that!)

2. What was your proudest blogging moment of 2018?

I think my proudest moment of 2018 was when I continued our new "Versatile Collies" series.  I'm very excited to showcase this amazing breed, and grateful to our friends who wrote these posts.

3. What was the biggest blogging challenge you faced in 2018, and how did/will you tackle it?

My biggest challenge, which has been a challenge throughout all the years we have been blogging, is carving out time each week to create new posts.  I have been working 60 hour work weeks for years, and competing at dog shows with my collies on weekends, so free time is hard to come by.

4. Which of your 2018 blog posts was your favorite and why? (Please include a link.)

I think one of my favorites was the post that I wrote about one our collies from our 2016 litter, Doing What He Loves.  It shows how collies are more than capable of performing the tasks they were originally bred for, and how much they love it!

5. Which of your 2018 posts was most popular with your audience? Why do you think it does so well?

I shared an older post, that has always been popular, and that was the most viewed post in 2018.  I think people are naturally curious about all the different coat colors the collies come in, so when they search online, my post pops up.  A Coat Of a Different Color  But my next popular post would have to be Herding With Your collie, which was written by Michael Vorkapich, of the Agile Dog Blog.

6. Did you implemented a new series, feature, or practice on your blog in 2018 that you’re enjoying?

I started the Versatile Collie series in June of 2017, and then restarted it in 2018.  I really love this series, and I am in the process of choosing the next post.

7. As the social media landscape changes, how are you promoting your blog posts and connecting with new readers?

I do not promote my blog enough, but I do utilize Twitter and Instagram, and I'm starting to use Pinterest as well.

8. Looking forward to 2019, if you accomplish only one thing through your blog, what do you hope it is?

I want to go back to making my posts a little more personal, so our readers get to know our collies better and learn more about the breed.

9. What steps are you planning to take to ensure you reach your goal?

I'm looking for more guest bloggers, and creating a list of interesting topics to share.  Plus, we hope to have some very exciting news to share in about a week or so!

10. Where I could use some help …

I would love suggestions for topics our readers would like covered.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. What a fun blog-hop and what a fun post that has let me get to know you a bit better! We both struggle with the same things, like time to blog, topics etc. I wish I was some help, but I'm not. I love blogging, and enjoy blogging friendship like yours, and my hope for me this year, I can keep my blog going!

  2. Your dogs are beautiful. I loved your article on the herding. It is great to see dogs doing what they were bred to do. There's a historial farm near here that has a herding event as part of their open house. It is fun to watch the dogs do their thing.

  3. Early congratulations on your upcoming 7 year blogiversary! I'm not a regular reader, but one thing I'd be interested in is how Collies are used as service and guide dogs. I know a few organizations that use Collies in their programs and I'd be interested to read what it is that makes them wonderful service dogs.

  4. I'm so glad I "met" you and your collies this last year and look forward to learning more about them!

  5. We enjoyed reading your answers and we always enjoy seeing your gorgeous Collies!

  6. We just love your blog and if it wasn't for one of your most wonderful book posts, mom would have never discovered all of the wonderful Collie books by Dorothy Bodoin!

  7. Exciting news in a week or so? Now I'm very curious.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. We're happy we've gotten to know you all this year and learned a little more about you from this post.

  9. Love to get to know you better! and anxious to hear your exciting news
    Hazel & Mabel

  10. Great answers. We are looking forward to reading more

  11. Frankly, it's amazing you find time to blog at all. You should be very proud of yourself.

    Sometimes a good way to find new topics to see start some searches in google and see what the autosuggest comes up with. It's what people are looking to read.

  12. Going back to your dogs sounds a great idea. People love a story and can relate so much to the dog when its yours and they know a little about them!

    Good luck in 2019!

  13. I can't wait to hear that news ;o) it is a challenge sometimes to promote blogs the "new" hop around between facebook&twitter and the blog needs a lot of time... I wish my day would have more than just 24 hours LOL

  14. If you are working 60 hours a week, and have busy weekends too, I am also amazed that you find time to blog at all!
    I love reading about your breed, and your posts really stick with me. Many of the ones you mentioned by title, I remember. I'd love to read more about the shows you go to, and learn even more about this breed too; especially as related to your own dogs.

  15. I am very impressed that with working 60 hour weeks and dog shows you have any time to blog! I like your idea of adding more personal stories to your post. I think you will find Pinterest helpful. I started using it more frequently this fall and it has really helped with blog traffic.

  16. Glad we got to learn more about u. Hope u meet more new blogging furiends.

  17. You did an awesome job on the challenge! I love your dogs and learning more about them. I hope 2019 is everything you dream of and more.

  18. LOVE your blog. We have similar interests (showing, dog sports, etc.) And I love to see working dogs working! I'm glad you're showcasing the versatility of the breed. I try to do the same for German shepherds.

    Apparently we have similar challenges as well. Gotta work to pay for all the fun dog stuff. Gotta work the dogs to compete in all the fun stuff. Gotta fun the time to blog about it. And somewhere in there you have to fit eating, sleeping, family, shopping -- screw the housework.

    Thanks for joining the hop. I look forward to seeing what you do next.

  19. Charlee: "Thanks for this post! It's interesting to read things like this about our friends!"
    Chaplin: "We're looking forward to the news!"

  20. To work 60 hours a week, compete at dog shows, and meet all of life's other obligations - your blog is definitely a labor of love! I'm so glad to see you back in the Challenge again this year - thanks for making the time to do it. And good luck to you in 2019 - it sounds like you have something very exciting in the works!

  21. Hi, we've been absent for so long - posting maybe once or twice in 2018, that we'll be happy if we can actually get six posts up in 2019.

  22. Gee we're just happy to see that you're all well. Best :)

  23. I hope all is well in your world. Haven't seen you around.

    Have a fabulous Sunday. ♥

  24. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. We loved reading about you and hope you had a great 2019. Have a wonderful rest of your week and a lovely holiday.
    World of Animals
