Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Wordless Wednesday...snow fun!

Last week we had our first snowstorm, and the collies really enjoyed playing in the white stuff. Since I was home, and didn't have to drive in it, I was able to enjoy it too.

After the snow, Ryder and I visited the residents at the Nursing home, and we had to stop by their festive display for a picture.

Hard to believe Christmas will be here in just a few days!


  1. What a pretty Christmas tree, Ryder! Our snow is all gone. boooooooooooooo

  2. It is super that you visit the nursing home. You are so sweet.

  3. We keep our snow up in the mountains. We are hot house flowers.

  4. I'm so glad that you got to play in the snow!

  5. OMD! Snow!!!!! Oh, do some snow zoomies for me, k??
    Oh Ryder, you look pawsome!!!
    Ruby ♥

  6. What a great Christmas pic. Snow is always fun.

  7. Happy Thursday to you! We have snow as well, but just a couple of inches that will probably be gone by tomorrow. Hunter will go outside unless the stairs are too slick and then I take him out another way, so he won't fall. Love the pose in front of the tree, such a great photo.
    Merry Christmas to you all.
    Noreen and Hunter

  8. That looks like the perfect day to us!!

  9. Of my two dogs, the collie hates the snow! The other one loves to roll in it.

  10. Very nice picture by the tree!

    Happy Merry Everything!

    Murphy & Stanley & Pawrents

  11. Snow, that is pawsome. Gemini is bugging Dad to go North for the winter, so she can experience snow.

  12. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Hurray for snow! Hurray for Ryder doing his important job! Hurray for Christmas! Happy Christmas, friends!

  13. Snow is so much fun! Beautiful photo of Ryder by the Christmas tree! What a lovely visit - I bet it really brightened up the season for the residents!
