Sunday, February 7, 2016

Love endless as the ocean.

For this Sunday's "Love Is,"  we are featuring our first three collies, Abby, Lad and Holly.  Lad left us too soon, we lost him 4 years ago when he was just 7 years old.  But he is still in our hearts, as love is truly endless.

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  1. OMD, so beautifuls! what a great lookin' pack!
    Ruby ♥

  2. What a precious photo and fantastic, loving memories. Did you get all three at once? Seven is way too young... Tynan was around 7 when he got his first cancer diagnosis and friends kept trying to comfort me with stories of losing dogs, but all their stories were about much older dogs! It is never time for them to go, but having lifespan expectations is at least something. At least the love never goes away! Thanks for sharing.

  3. We love the ocean, such a nice memory.

  4. You are right about love! This beautiful photo, I know is truly a treasure.

  5. Hi sweet people!! I love to watch your blog, and I was tagged to do a 3 day quote challenge, I tagged you also to post 3 days a quote, and tag new people!! I hope you will participate!!

  6. Beautiful photo-thanks for sharing. Have a fantastic week.
    Noreen and Hunter

  7. What beautiful dogs! Great photo. You have such wonderful light and the ocean background.

  8. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Love *IS* as endless as the ocean, especially when it's coming from a dog!
