Friday, January 15, 2016

I'm no poet...

But in honor of our friend Sugar who is having surgery today...

A dog named Sugar, is a sight to behold,
She brings smiles to our faces, with her heart of pure gold.
The first to befriend you, the first to say hello,
She spreads sunshine and happiness, a pleasure to know.
A joy to her family, a joy to all of us too,
Get well soon sugar, we all love you!

(I did tell you I wasn't a poet, it's the thought that counts, right?)

Good luck with your surgery, you are in our thoughts and prayers!

And here is a happy collie smile, for Sugar!


  1. What a fantastic poem! Sugar is going to love it!!

  2. Oh Wow! Sugar loves poems so she is going to LOVE yours, I just know it!

  3. Oh my gosh, I love this poem. It's true, for so many of us she was the first to visit and leave an encouraging comment, and she's always ready to offer help or advice. You really are a poet, even if you didn't know it :D

  4. we have our paws crossed for her and know she would love your poem

  5. Your smiles - your poem - and your words were all incredibly caring. I love how we're coming together for Sugar. Well done!

  6. Oh! LOVE it <3 It's a great pawsome poem. So Sweet and Lots of Golden Thanks. Golden Love <3

  7. OMD, that is FABulous!!! I loves it! I would have done it, it probably would have sounded more like a Limerick! BOL!!
    Loves the Collie Smile!!!
    Ruby ♥

  8. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww we LIKED your Poem!! it was From the HEART ♥ That is the best pawt.

  9. Sugar is always filled with big smiles
    Lily & Edward

  10. The best poems are those that come from the heart. That makes your just perfect.

    I'm sure it will help Sugar's hu-mom feel much better while she's waiting for Sugar to come home from surgery.

  11. Between your poem and that gorgeous smile, I am sure Sugar is already feeling better! ☺
