Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Two of a kind!

All my dogs are very attached to each other.  Abby and Holly have lived together a few years now, and though they don't show a strong bond, they enjoy each other's company.  Ryder and Kori are littermates, and while they aren't as inseperable as they were when they were younger, they are still very close. 

But I am constantly amazed at how the relationship between Scarlett and Kori has developed.  Now that Scarlett is 6 months old, she and Kori have become best friends.  They prefer to sleep together, and are constantly playing together.


Abby, Holly and Ryder will join in during playtime or naptime, but these two sisters are never far apart. 

Scarlett thinks Kori makes a very comfy bed!

They have become very bonded.  Anyone else experience this with their pets?


  1. Oh those pictures are just beautiful....I had a sister (my aunt) that mom rescued from the puppy mill. We were bestest friends, but she went to the rainbow bridge in October. I miss running wild with her, and playing bitey face and laying on top of her in the pugpile. I didn't no just how much i would miss the space she filled in our home. Sammer my true brother doesn't play much with me, he just steals my treats!!
    stella rose

    1. So its just the two you now? Do you think your mom will adopt another pug? We lost our first collie, Lad, a year ago this past Sept. He left a huge hole in our lives. He was only 7 years old. Dogs bring so much joy, but losing them is just devastating.

  2. OMG! These pictures are just adorable! Yes, Freddie and Gloria have become inseparable too!

    1. I love watching their relationships grow. Basset hounds seem laid back and easy you find this to be true?

  3. Oh man, these two are just too cute!! :-D I don't have any canine brothers or sisters so I don't know, but my kitty brothers are definitely loners! ;-) I love when Scarlett and Kori put their head over the other's neck...almost squeeee worthy!

    1. Kori does that with me at night. I always wake up with her head on me, using me as a pillow. :)

      Do you think your mom will get another dog?

  4. I'm an only dog & the kitties that live with me would scratch my eyes out if I tried to snuggle with them, BOL!

    Nubbin wiggles,

    1. We have one cat, but she thinks she is a dog too. She plays with the collies and even system chase with them! :)

  5. Ciara has always been very close to Thunder - he is still her first choice. She plays a lot with Lightning, but Thunder is her best bud. Phantom has always been pretty much a loner although he was very dependent on Dakota before she left us. As he ages, he seems to come for more attention. And Ciara is the one of the three others who seems to spend the most time close to him. None of the pack are really snugglers like yours are, but they will sleep with their backs together.

    Your snugglers are just so precious.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

    1. Isn't it funny how certain dogs are drawn to each other? Kind of like people in that way...

  6. What incredible bonds and your photos of them tell stories of love. We had a pair of littermates as our first dogs. They were so bonded and close. We've never had another pair of dogs who have been so inseparable. However, it's interesting to watch R and Shyla bond - they're getting closer and closer.

    That photo with the rainbow uses a technique described by Galen Rowell in one of his outdoor photography books. Here's the short version of how to do it. You take the photo about an hour after sunrise or before sunset on a perfectly clear day. Your subject (in my case, my dog) has to be higher than you (e.g., on a big boulder). You shoot into the sun, with your dog blocking the sun's rays. It works best when the sun is behind your dog's head (as opposed to behind his/her torso). Usually, the result is that your dog appears to have a sparkling outline. I've never had a rainbow appear until I tried it with Shyla.

    One more thing, you want to use a very high numbered aperture. Your "exposure meter" will say that the picture is too dark. Ignore it, and just look at the photos on your LCD screen to get the exposure right for this kind of photo.

    I hope that helps. Even though Galen Rowell didn't write about photographing dogs in particular, I've loved his books and have learned lots of creative techniques from him!

    1. Thank you so much! I am going to have to give this a try! (or many tries!) my dogs are my favorite subject for pictures too! :)

  7. Well as I look over the group right now, everyone is on their own bed. I don't think we have any dog on dog bonding to the degree you have, although they all love each other. WE loved all your photos today, as always. They show some very strong bonds, that is for sure.
    Bert and My Vickie

    1. Thank you! I'm sure the bonds are this deep because they have been together since they were so little. :)

  8. So cosy, so how the cuddle. Wagging Wordless Wednesday!

    1. Thank you! I wish I was home snuggling with them right now! :)

  9. That is so beautiful, I never realized you had so many Love the photo's. xx00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Yes, we have 5 collies and one kitty. :) and they all get along, which is wonderful!

  10. Great pics. Isn't it awesome and interesting how dogs pair up or team up together. Zappa and Fiona are littermates and are pretty tight, but I've seen more and more of Zappa and mom Silver bonding while Fiona bonds with dad Brut. None of the dogs really sleep next to each other any more, but for playtime and such they tend to pair up different ways.

    Such cute dogs. Collies are one of my favorites.

  11. That's so sweet! I LOVE that first picture!!!

  12. With our pack (of seven for those of you that don't know us!) it's very interesting to watch the interactions and snuggle times. Bill is very laid back and calm so he usually attracts others and he'll happily lay his head on whoever is there. Hiker loves her crate and Forest will crawl in there with her. Brook and Azule both like to lay with whoever. Breeze (seven months old) settles better in her crate. Callie doesn't share space well, so she enjoys her crate. Bedtime is usually the five off and on the bed. A great post - I've been thinking of doing one like that too!

  13. Hi everyone, we wanted to answer your question on our blog post today. No not all the dogs are members of our family. We run a doggy day care/boarding place so we get lots and lots of guests who come and play a big part in our lives.

    Abby, Willa, and I (Bert) live here all the time, oh yeah and Allred the cat. I wish I were an only dog sometimes but most the time, I enjoy all the activity and social experiences. Like right now we have 15 guests in the kennel building all snug and warm and in the house here we have all of us and two very large guests. Squeese Cheese Larry (an old greyhound) and Tucker (a great big mastiff of 2 years old)

    Thanks for asking about us. WE are glad you have come to be our friends.

  14. 2 peas in a cute. I like my Airedale sister, but we don't snuggle...she snores and kicks, BOL!


  15. Beautiful kidz!!! found you via Heart Like a Dog contest... :) love the header/contest photo

    1. Thank you! It's one of our favorite pictures of our collies. We took the picture while hiking one of our favorite trails. :)
