It was six years ago today, that I was
at a conference for work when I got the call. Angel was in labor, she
was going to be delivering her puppies soon! Lad was our first collie,
and he brought us so much happiness. We decided we wanted
another collie, specifically a collie puppy from my sister’s collie,
Angel. So we waited, and waited, and finally she became pregnant. We
couldn’t wait to see her new puppies, and meet the puppy who would one
day be ours!

I snuck out of the conference a few
times that day, to call and check on how Angel was doing. I was so
happy when her first puppy, a sable and white smooth girl, was born. A
little later a second puppy was born, another sable and white
smooth girl! One last puppy was born a short time after that, but this
puppy was much smaller than her two sisters. She was a pretty,
tri-color puppy, but she was very tiny. Sadly, she only lived a few
hours, she was just too tiny to make it on her own.
But there were still two healthy, beautiful sable girls. Which made us
very happy, as we were hoping for a little girl.
We visited the puppies a couple times a
week, watching as they grew and changed. They were both very sweet,
and they had very similar personalities. But the first born puppy
seemed a little more attached to us. She was named Abby. Her
sister, CC, seemed to be more attached to my sister. And so it was
decided, Abby would be ours and CC would stay with my sister, and
Angel. Because there were only two puppies in the litter, and since we
only lived a mile from my sister’s house, Abby and
CC stayed together until they were 11 weeks old. And then on Christmas
morning, after we gathered with our family to celebrate, Abby came home
with us.
Abby on the left, CC on the right. (Christmas morning) |
She so easy to train, you only had to
tell her once not to do something, and she remembered. And she loved
Lad, she became his shadow. He was a big, young two year old male at
the time, and wasn’t sure about her at all. She was a typical
pesky little sister, she always wanted to play with whatever toy he had
at that moment. And she loved to take the tip of his tail in her
mouth, and follow him around the house, holding onto his tail like a
child holds onto an adult’s hand.

As she grew, she became more
beautiful, and she had a successful show career. She finished her
championship, she excelled at herding sheep, and she became Lad’s best
friend. We lost Lad last year, and I think she misses him as much as
we do, even though she is very close with Holly collie. (who joined
our family in 2010) Finally, we decided to attempt breeding our own collie puppies.
We searched for a long time, until we found the right stud dog for
Abby. The first time we bred her,
she missed. So we had to wait another 7 months to try again. The
second time worked, and she became pregnant. We ended up with three
beautiful puppies, and kept two of them, Ryder and Kori. We decided to
try again and the next litter produced four smooth
puppies. Two tricolor boys, one sable boy and one sable girl. We
ended up keeping the little girl, and named her Scarlett.

Abby is a sweet, gentle soul who sits
quietly in the background while the other collies jostle for attention.
She will lay by chair when I am on the computer, or by the bathtub when
I shower. When I am alone watching a movie, she will
curl up on the couch with me. But if my daughter is watching the movie
with me, Abby will go lay in “her” chair. She sleeps at the end of my
bed at night, always in the same exact spot. She doesn’t demand
attention or treats, she just patiently waits to
be noticed. She’s always there, always by my side, and I treasure her
Happy Birthday Abby! Thank you for being my special Abby Dabby girl!