Thursday, August 22, 2024

Our 2024 titles earned…so far

I love earning new titles with my collies.  Those new titles represent many things to me, the first being the bond I share with them.  When your dog has a strong bond with you, it makes training them so much easier, and it makes earning titles even more rewarding.  Secondly, the titles show their versatility, that they have proven they meet the breed standard and that they are intelligent with sound temperaments.  And the third, they will be remembered, long after they are gone.  

Collies that earn their AKC championships are included in the Collie Club of America’s Library of Champions.  These books are the documented history of all the collie champions, going all the way back to the very first champion.  The CCA yearbooks are also a source of collie history. Each year the CCA publishes the collie yearbook for its members.  While the Library of Champions is a wonderful record of all the past collies who earned that coveted championship title, the CCA Yearbook is a record of the new champions each calendar year and also includes and celebrates all the other titles the collies have earned that year.

In 2023 our collies earned 16 new titles.  And so far, in 2024, they have earned 12 new titles!  I’m hoping they will be adding at least 10 more before the year ends. (fingers crossed)  This year they have earned a wide variety of titles - Champion, Therapy Dog Excellent and Therapy Dog Distinguished, Canine Good Citizen and Canine Good Citizen Advanced, Trick Dog, and Versatility Companion titles.  We are hoping to add FastCAT and Fit Dog titles too, as those will be new for our collies.

I am so thankful to have these amazingly talented dogs in my life.  They bring so much joy, companionship, and love into our lives.  I’m grateful that I can help them earn titles, so that their legacy will live on…


  1. Congratulations! Bravo for being so pawsome.

  2. Hooray for so many titles, you surely earn those, amazing work and fun too. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Love it.

  4. They are a huge thankful for sure. They do bring us such joy.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. Hi, as of 4:30 (ET) I've not received your post by email subscription. Will let you know when/if it does come to me that way. Sometimes it might take a post or two for it to get set up. (Ann & JUNE)

  6. Not sure my comment posted? As of 4:30 or so, had not gotten your post by email subscription, will let you know if and when I do so.

  7. Congrats on all your success so far this year.

  8. Congratulations! That’s an impressive amount of titles! Smart, well trained collies!

  9. I've never done anything competitive with my dogs, but I understand the bonding that takes place when you are all working together. Congratulations on their titles and here's to many more!

  10. Congratulations! Earning those titles is a lot of work and paws crossed, you earn more!

  11. Lulu: "Congratulations on the titles! All your hard work sure is paying off!"

  12. Amazing collies! Way to go!
