Saturday, November 7, 2020

Five little heartbeats...


Right when we needed them most our new puppies were born.  Five puppies, four girls and one boy, came into our lives and with them so much joy and happiness.

Born on May 29th, 2020, they were perfect!  Maizie had a quick and easy delivery, and she proved to be the perfect collie Mama.  She took such good care of her babies, and always kept a close eye on them whenever we picked them up.

and then there were four...

This was what every breeder prays for, an easy delivery, healthy puppies and a happy, healthy Mama.  We couldn't have asked for more!

All five have arrived!

We did have one tiny girl in the litter, she was the only rough puppy.  She is the third puppy in the picture posted above.  My daughter named her Melody, and she was a feisty puppy!  (She still is, judging by the pictures her new family sends us.)

Bridget is all tired out! Being born is hard work!

This was just the beginning of their story, but it was a very happy beginning.  I have so much more to share...


  1. How exciting and they are just so precious♥

  2. Congrats and welcome to the new babies. Such adorable little babies.

  3. Hello Blogging Friend! I'm so glad to read your posts and catch up on your busy life. I've loved reading about your precious new pups, new son-in-law, what a fun and lovely wedding! But I'm saddened that you've had the loss of friends from COVID, it certainly has turned our lives upside down, as we've all been affected by it. I hope it gets better for all of us - And I've no doubt that those sweet puppies helped lift your spirits! You know better than I do, that puppies have a way of doing that. ♥♥

  4. Bowsers, Normandy is just a couple weeks older than your puppies. He is almost as big as Gemini, so imagine the pups are now a good size. Glad to see you are blogging again.

    I'll probably always blog, as I do it more for myself than for other people. COVID has made life interesting here. I social distance a lot. I wasn't out giving candy this Halloween. Since Halloween is my favorite day of the year in Key West, that made me a bit sad.

    Can't wait to see some of the growing up photos of the pups.

    God Speed,

    Dog Dad, Gemini and Normandy

  5. Oh wow! Such cute pups. And such a mellow and gorgeous mama. Just perfect!

    Love and licks,

  6. Hi friends! Ojo here! PUPPIES! Congratulations! Welcome, little ones!
