Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Saying Goodbye...

I know it's been a while since my last post, but I just didn't have the heart to update. We suffered two great losses, and I just couldn't bring myself to write about it. The most recent loss was of my beautiful girl, Abby. I won't go into details, but at 12 1/2 years old, she just couldn't stand or walk. Those of you reading my blog last October know that she wasn't doing well, and we almost lost her then. But she rallied, and the same thing happened the week of Thanksgiving. This time, nothing helped her, she started to refuse to eat and the medications, acupuncture and laser therapy stopped working. So we had to let our sweet, perfect girl go. I knew at her age we could lose her soon, but I still wasn't ready. So I'm sorry for not updating, but I'm sure those who have lost their best friend will understand our heartbreak.


  1. Oh no, I'm so very sorry to hear about your beautiful Abby. It's so difficult and there are no words, we just send you gentle hugs and all of our love.

  2. I'm so very sorry. I so understand this pain. We lost our Little Bit October 22, 2015 and I still cry. They are so precious.

    Big healing hugs. ♥

  3. We're so sorry to hear that Abby has passed. She sure was a beautiful girl.

  4. Oh noes. I am so very sorry about Abby's passing. I knows you miss your gurl, and you are tryin' to figure out how to get through the day without her. I am sure the rest of the pack is making it a little easier. I hope you all find comfort in the joy she brought to you and the world. Sendin' lots of slobbery kisses (slobbers fix everythings ya knows ☺), and lots of {{{hugs}}} and AireZens ♥
    Ruby ♥

  5. We are so sorry to hear about your beautiful Abby. It's so hard to lose our beloved furkids. Hugs to you♥

  6. We understand perfectly the pain you are feeling.

  7. I'm so sorry. We just suffered our own loss, so we know how painful it is. The good memories come back eventually so they outweigh the pain, but it's rough going!

  8. I am so sorry for your loss and completely understand.

  9. Soft woos for you and your Abby. So sorry for your loss. They just take a piece of you. (((HUGS)))

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss. I've walked that road a few times myself. It never gets easier. They mean so much to us. My prayers to you.

  11. That is so sad to hear. We knew she wasn't doing well, but one always hopes for more time. Soft woos and gentle hugs to all of you - she had a very good life.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber and Mom

  12. We are so sorry for your loss(es?). Abby was a beautiful girl and you did all you could for her. Our hearts are with you. ♥

  13. Jazherah MacMornnaApril 3, 2019 at 4:03 PM

    So very sad to hear about Abby. Please don't apologise for not posting; it's completely understandable. I often doubt Heaven exists, but if it does, I'm sure dogs (especially Collies) go there.

  14. I’m so sorry for your loss; it is so hard on us, but better for your Abby. Sending love and hugs,

  15. Saying goodbye is the hardest part. I'm so sorry. I hope that the pain dulls sooner than later (we know that it never goes away completely) and you'll be able to remember Abby with fewer tears.

  16. So sorry to hear of Abby's passing. She was a beautiful and sweet some. My sympathies to you and your family.

  17. I am sooo sorry. I just happened to stop by and just saw this. I am sooo sorry (((hugs)))

  18. Hey very nice blog!

  19. Oh, I am so, so sorry to read about your loss of Abby. Through tears I am sending you hugs. I know this is a terrible heartache, and I am so very sorry..She was an amazing girl to rally back. A true testament to her love for you. I just lost our beloved Harley and Chloe just two months apart from each other, and so understand that pain. If I could reach out and give you a big hug, I certainly would. Thinking of you. xo

  20. Oh noes. I am so very sorry. I don't think it matters how old the doggie, it is like losing a piece of your heart and soul.
    Sendin' lots of {{{hugs}}} and AireZens and slobbery kisses.
    Ruby ♥
