Monday, April 30, 2018

This and that, here and there...

Life sure has a way of keeping us busy!  We drove down to Virginia Beach for the collie National, which was so much fun.  What could be better than being surrounded by hundreds of collies in Virginia Beach?

Maizie, checking out our neighbors

Relaxing, waiting for her ring time

Scarlett, ready to go into the ring!

But it seemed like I was barely back, and then I was off to Florida for a work conference held at Disney World.  It was a hectic week, but I was able to go to the parks at night.  Things are now slowly getting back to normal, and last weekend we were at a collie specialty show, surrounded by collies once again.  And the exciting news, Maizie won Winner's bitch at one of the shows, which gave her one of her majors towards her championship.  (They need 15 points to become a champion, but out of the 15 points they need two majors.  A major is earned when they win 3, 4 or 5 points at one time.)

Handsome Tate!

This past weekend Ryder and I met up with a friend and her therapy collie, Jodie, and did a Therapy Dog visit at a local Nursing Home.  It was fun having another collie with us, Ryder really seemed to enjoy it.

And on Sunday we visited with friends who have one of our collies from a past litter.  The collie, Finn, is the litter mate of our Maizie and Sophie, and their birthday is today, so we all celebrated together.

I addition to all of this, (as if this wasn't keeping us busy enough), Spring has arrived so we have been taking lots of walks!

So we are going to try to be better about updating, but it's hard to stay inside by a computer when the weather is so nice! (finally!)


  1. What fun times for all of you! Congratulations on your win, Maizie!

  2. You guys sure have been busy! Beautiful pics! Scarlett looks gorgeous waiting to go in the ring, and congrats to Maizie!!! Love the pic of Ryder with the Forsythia bush! And Happy Birthday to all the beautiful pups!
