Saturday, June 3, 2017

They bring me joy.

Everyday, when I look at them, my spirits are lifted.  No matter what my mood, they make my heart happy and bring a smile to my face.  Just as a lighthouse keeps ships from harm, and guides sailors home, my collies can shine a light through the darkness and I am comforted.

Our lives can be like the sea, sometimes the water is rough and turbulent, and sometimes all is calm and serene.  But no matter what trials we face, our dogs have this magical way of knowing what we need, and they can calm the wildest storm within us.  They provide companionship, and are always ready to accompany us on any adventure.

So when I am ready to explore new territory, and seek to find the beauty in the world around me, my dogs are the perfect guides.  They take nothing for granted, and are happy just to be invited along on the journey.  Their lives are so short, and they spend most of their time waiting for our return,  How can we not devote ourselves to returning a bit of the joy they bring into our lives?    

If you cannot see the wonder that surrounds you, just try to view the world through your dog's eyes.  Like a lighthouse, let them guide you through the darkness.

Today was "National Trails Day," did you get outside to take a hike with your best friend?  As you can see, we had a wonderful day.


  1. Truer words were never written! The photos are beautiful, it looks like you had a wonderful walk in a perfect location! I can see how it would inspire you. ♥

  2. Yes, we who share our lives with companions of every sort, share a special place and a special kind of love and friendship. You look as though you have a lovely place to go to be inspired and to enjoy a great walk and the delights of companions. Great post and wonderful pictures too.
    Purrs, ERin

  3. What a beautiful post and so very true! Yes, we are in CT☺

    1. We used to live in Northford, CT - and now we're in Hamden. We've only been in Hamden 3 months. hummmmm

    2. No, it wasn't us but I wish we'd run into them too☺

  4. Such a wonderful post with beautiful scenery and gorgeous pups!

  5. Oh yes, you do see all the beautiful surrounding you both in the 4-leggers and the area!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. Beautiful post! I understand exactly what you mean. Thank you for linking up to the Showcase.

  7. Hi, we noticed you stopped by our blog. Thanks. What a wonderful post. Love the sentiment and the gorgeous photos.

  8. Well no wonder. Look how beautiful they are! purrs

  9. I had warm fuzzies all throughout reading this ! :) <3

  10. Love this! My pets are my rock. Always there for me and for that I am grateful.

    Thanks for joining the Pet Blogger Showcase!

  11. We love it and we agree, it's oh so true. Your doggies are amazingly beautiful. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. What a beautiful and perfect post at the end of the day! I totally echo your thoughts, and need to remember your words when life bombards me!

  13. Oh, I loves this post! So true, and so well said. And, who wouldn't wants to take your adventures?! I wants to! ☺
    Happy Trails guys!
    Ruby ♥

  14. you said it very well... they can do miracles... and they can dry tears and they make every moment to a special one :o)

  15. Every word you wrote is true. I try to look at the world through my dogs' eyes, and it is usually very uplifting. I love how they seize every single day.

  16. We love the pawtographs of the collies, beach and lighthouse. Hope all is going well in your world.

    Sherman & Gemini

  17. This brought tears to my eyes. It is SO sweet, and so, so true.

  18. Your collies are gorgeous! I agree with you that we need to make the most of our time together with our dogs. No matter how long they live, it is never long enough!
