Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Time is fleeting...don't waste a moment

There are some days that we are reminded just how short our dogs' lives really are, and just how quickly the years pass.  For me, today is one of those days.  We haven't lost one of our beloved collies, but as they age, it becomes obvious that time is taking a toll. One of our sweet seniors, Holly, is at the veterinary hospital today, and she is a very sick collie.  She has some kind of gastrointestinal infection, and she is getting sub-q fluids and antibiotics.  While the veterinarians expect her to fully recover, it was a little scary last night.

Baby Holly
Holly rules our home, all the other collies know she is the undisputed Queen. She decides when playtime has gotten too rough, and puts an end to the younger collies antics.  She eats first, and leads the pack on walks. So last night when she wouldn't, couldn't, get off the couch to go outside, I knew something was wrong.  At first I thought she just had the same stomach bug that Scarlett had caught. But unlike Scarlett, this bug seemed to be hitting Holly much harder.  And that's the problem with getting old, at 11 1/2 years old, Holly just couldn't fight off the infection the way a younger dog can.

Holly in her prime

It makes me sad to see her slowing down, and how she limps a little after a play session. And my heart breaks a little when I see her waiting at the bottom of the stairs when it's time to come inside, because she doesn't want the other collies to bump her as she climbs up the steps.  She has always been such a strong and athletic dog, even in her senior years.  It has only been the last 12- 18 months that we have seen her really start to slow down.  We have recently started taking her for acupuncture sessions, to help alleviate some of the symptoms of old age.  But it's a constant reminder that our remaining time with her is limited, and that some day she will leave us, long before we are ready to let her go.

Holly on her 11th birthday, December 25th 2016

So if you have a senior pet, give them an extra hug today, take them for an extra walk, or just turn off the television and spend some extra time enjoying their companionship.  You never know how much time you will have with them, and every moment is to be treasured.


  1. Oh, no truer words have been spoken. I've been thinking about that a lot since the passing of my Gibson. My Harley (his love) is now 12 and she, too, was just very sick with a GI issue, that two of the three other (pups - who are 9!) also had. Four out of five... still a mystery as to the cause. I sure hope Holly is feeling better and back to herself very soon. We must indeed cherish each day spent with our beloved dogs. I am outside on my deck with them in the beautiful fresh air as I type this. Sending you and Holly big hugs. <3

  2. This post is so true. Life gets so busy for you humans, I am always reminding our momma to slow down and smell the always kisses me on the forehead at night and whispers in my ears, she thinks they are magic but i know they are love. stellie rose

  3. I do know what you mean. We don't have a collie (yet). But we have a mini-schnauzer who will be 12 this fall. They tend to live longer than the bigger dogs, but he does show signs of becoming a grumpy old guy, and I am aware that our time with him will be over long before we're ready. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Very good reminder. Sending lots of love to your Holly.

  5. We totally agree! We are sending POTP in hopes Holly has lots more time with you and your pack.

  6. we cross all paws and fingers for your Holly. I agree with you it is bittersweet to see what tribute we have to pay to the years... and therefore efurry moment is precious ....

  7. I hope Holly feels better fast! It is the worse part of having dogs, watching them slow down and age.

  8. I'm 10. Mom squeezes and kisses me. She slobbers on me too
    Lily (& Edward)

  9. So sorry to hear about Holly. Time just flies so fast. Your words are so beautiful and elegant and so very true. Make every moment count.

  10. Seniors are the best! We're sending AireZen for Holly!
