Wednesday, August 31, 2016

It's in the bag!

Each month we get the wonderful opportunity to share our opinion about different dog and cat products sold by the wonderful folks at  They send us these items for free, we receive no reimbursement for doing these reviews.  The collies love when their box arrives, they know it contains something special just for them.

This month we were sent Frisco Dog Poop Bags.  We were excited to receive these, as the collies love to take walks, and as responsible pet owners we want to leave nothing behind but pawprints.  They come in a nice dispenser that clips right onto your leash.  And even though the collies are sweet, their poop isn't.  So it's nice that the Frisco poop bags are lightly scented, to help mask odors, until we can reach a garbage can to dispose of them.  And the best part, they open easily!  I didn't have to stand there struggling to open the bag for 10 minutes , while the dogs cried to continue their walk!

And check out the Key Benefits:
  • Bag dimensions are 9 x 13 inches
  • Durable and leak-proof
  • Includes bag dispenser/holder and 15 bags
  • Dispenser fits most standard dog poop bag rolls
  • Available cucumber melon scented or unscented

In our neighborhood we have a lot of dog lovers, and nothing makes us happier than seeing dogs out walking with their people.  But nothing annoys us more than when people do not pick up after their dogs, as fecal matter can spread disease, and nothing can ruin a walk quicker than stepping in a pile of poop.  So we hope more people will take advantage of the great price of these bags, at under $2, makes these affordable for every pet owner!  The collies give these poop bags our highest rating, 4 paws!  So please pick up some Frisco Poop bags, and head out on an adventure with your best friend!  


  1. Sounds like a great deal! We agree about people being lazy and not picking up after their dogs.

  2. MOm uses them when we go on trips. stella rose

  3. I have to say I love the photos in your post! Your dogs are so beautiful, your header photo is stunning, the dogs' expressions are great. A good bag that's easy to open is a great convenience. I can't stand people who refuse to scoop the poop!
