Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A (Not so) Wordless Wednesday - Westminster edition

Collies at the AKC meet the breeds event, held in conjunction with the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.  The event was called "AKC Meet and Compete."  It was open to the public, and gave over 20,000 people a chance to meet and learn about hundreds of pure bred dogs.

The collies were a huge hit, and took countless selfies with their adoring fans.


  1. Your dogs are breath taking to look at. Every time I visit your blog I can't help but start humming the Lassie theme song in my head. They make me smile!

  2. Great!!! we only have this at the Amsterdam Winner, but it is kinda new, so we don't have all the breeds covered. This looks so much fun!!!!!

  3. I love the split faced rough! Someday I'd like to have one. LOL! I think its great that they have a meet the breeds with Westminster. Gives people more opportunity to learn about the great breeds out there.

  4. How fun! I went to one of those of a much smaller scale, but had a great time.

  5. Love those events! We have been involved in the "meet the breeds" at our Rose City Classic. So much fun to show the public how great our breeds are. Westminster is the BIG TIME!! Well done :)

  6. It's nice that they provide info about the breeds for people. Collies are such beauties.

  7. Mom and I watched Westminster. Such beauties! I coulda been a contender....

    Love and licks,

  8. Pawtastic. That is one pawsome looking blue merle.

    Sherman & Gemini

  9. Collies are so beautiful! It sounds like a great event!

  10. This is on my bucket list, I must go & see all of them,phyllis
