Saturday, June 1, 2013

Busy week = no fun!

Our human sister is away this week, she is attending something called a Prom.  Mom has had to work 3 nights this week, in addition to her day job, and is even working today - Saturday!  We are feeling very lonesome this week, and Mom had better have something fun planned for this afternoon!  We are putting our collective Paw down, enough is enough for barking out loud!

It's hard waiting for our Mom and sister to return.  We think they should take us with them, wherever they go!  Because afterall, everything is more fun when you have your best friends with you!

We sure wish Mom would hurry up and get done with this work thing!  Maybe we should explain to her that it isn't really Saturday, it's actually you think that would help?


  1. Wouldn't be cool if you could have been her date to the prom??

  2. She's lovely in her prom dress! Thanks for following me back. That last picture (Ryder?) is downright regal. Maybe Mom needs to remember who's the royalty around there :D

  3. I think it should be law that all doggies get to go where ever their peeps go - except when they taking baths - we don't want to be there then :)

  4. From the pack: We don't like work days either and especially don't like 12 hour shifts. We get reminded that we're lucky since it's only a few days each week, rather than five like some people. But somebody has to earn money for kibbles!

  5. We agree with you! You should go everywhere your peeps go- we try to do so ourselves!

  6. It must be tough on you usually have some pretty pawsome adventures...Hoomins do have to get those green papers though or we wouldn't have our treats...Bet you have another fun adventure soon

  7. Hoping your Mom doesn't work too hard and we hope your sister had fun at the prom!

  8. Hi, my peeps do the same thing to us. My mom works all the time and my dad is looking a little tired too. We'd like moe time with them but it's like it is for your mom, they're all busy. So let's hope that they feel guilt and give us more treats. A walk would be good as well.

  9. Your human sister really is lovely, as are your photos! I hope things have slowed down and you've been able to have fun and celebrate Collieday!!!

  10. Your human sister looks quite lovely - love the rainbow-colored dress.

    We had a long day here too with Mom and Dad off to a dance recital for the girl grandbipeds. We made sure Mom took us for long walks after dinner.

    We are sure your Mom will make it up to you soon.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  11. Thanks for joining the blog hop, welcome!

    I agree, I think most people would be happier if they could bring their pets with them to work. I have (in the past) been able to bring the dogs in on a limited basis, not all the time, once in a while etc. It's nice to have them right there with you, I can walk them on the trails on the my lunch.

    I hope mom took you somewhere cool this afternoon. Have an awesome rest of the weekend!

  12. That's really rude of your mom to leave you home alone on Collieday. Next time, sneak into her car before she leaves the house and be very quiet until she gets where she's going.

  13. What I want to know is, why can't dogs go to the prom? What fun is formalwear without dogs around?

  14. We like it when our hooman is home too.

    We vote for more colliedays.

  15. My Human brudder has his school prom next year :) We agree with Amy..BOL xx00xxx

    Mollie and Alfie
