Thursday, January 31, 2013


Yesterday was Mom's day off from work.  So we kept her day busy with our errands, so she wouldn't get bored!  BOL

First Scarlett had mom take her to the veterinarian, for her vaccines.  She has dog shows coming up, and needed to make sure she was well protected!  Our veterinarian loves us, and was so happy to see Scarlett!  Our vet is a very special lady, she even teaches a dog hanlding class once a month!  So we get to see her at class too!

Then Scarlett came home, to rest after her vaccines.  So I, Ryder, took mom to Petsmart to buy some more kibble!  I noticed we were getting low on our Blue Buffalo!  Then we went by her job, so mom could show me where she goes when she leaves me us.  I couldn't go inside, but two of her co-workers came out to meet me.  They loved me, of course!

We then went by my human sister's college, since she was done with her classes for the day.  She was so happy to see me waiting in the car for her!

We drove home, and then mom decided that Kori, Abby and Holly deserved to go somewhere too.  After they put their heads together, they decided to go to the dog park.  Mom kept telling them that it would be muddy, but they wouldn't listen!

They had a great time, but came back so muddy!  Their pretty white paws, a collies' pride and joy, were black!  But mom said that was nothing compared to the golden retriever, Sam, that they met at the park.  He was covered from nose to tail in black mud!  Now collies don't like to get dirty, we avoid it whenever possible.  Abby and Holly ran around at the park, but they avoided the large lakes puddles.  But Kori loved Sam so much that she ran with him - RIGHT THROUGH THE MUD PUDDLES! 

"What the Woof, Kori?  You should know better!"

"At least I didn't roll in the mud like Sam!  Give a girl a little credit!"

Even mom and our human sister came home muddy!  I wish I had gone to the park with them, but mom said she is very grateful I wasn't there!  She said with all my fur, I would have needed a bath after a visit to the mud pit park!  I guess I should be happy I didn't go, I'm not too crazy about baths!

Last evening we all took turns snuggling with mom on the couch.  So I think we did a great job filling her day with lots of collie fun!  We are counting the hours until the weekend, so we can begin our next adventure with mom!  What are your plans for the weekend?



  1. It sounds like you guys deffo kept your mummy on her feet, well done!! This weekend me and mum are gonna go on HUGE walkies!!
    Love Milo :)

  2. that sounds like it was an incredibly fun day!! I think snuggling was the best part though!
    Barks and licks and love Dakota

  3. Nothing better than a good mud bath..BOL..If youz email photo's and names, we will post those of youz looking for dates :) Yous will soon be snapped up xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  4. Sounds like you had a great day all around - not so relaxing for the poor mom though!

  5. that was a great adventure...i had to go to the vet yesterday also!!! we don't have a dog park around here but we have mud holes!!!
    stella rose

  6. Your collies are so cute! Just found your blog, love collie blogs. :)

  7. Very wise to avoid the mud! Glad you had such a fun day! :)

  8. Hi there! Thanks for visiting my bloggie - nice to meet you!

    I can't imagine not liking to get dirty. I LOVE mud and I try to get as muddy as possible whenever possible. Lately it's been easy because our backyard and all the hiking trails are really muddy. We hope to hit the trails this weekend. Mom has been sick so we haven't been hiking together in a couple weeks and it feels like forever.

    your pal,

  9. What a fun day! Why weren't you allowed to go into The Mom's work? That doesn't seem fair. Where this Mom works, dogs can come in and visit and (almost) everybody is really happy to say hello and fuss them up.

    After this night shift, we got three days off and hope to get out and go for a hike or two or three! The weather is forecast to be nicer than it's been - no rain but cold and occasional flurries.

    Happy weekend!

  10. Hi, my "natural" brother Owen and I love mud. The shelties on the other hand, don't like to get their feet wet. Especially my sister.

  11. What a perfect title for a perfect day. Four leggers and two leggers alike, all got some good stuff.

    My Vickie remembers having Colliedays with Andy. I guess he was quite a boy and she love him much. She said he looked like Ryder in his face well except for the fact that he was a tri.

    She loves looking at all of you.

  12. Where are all the mud pictures? ;)

    Running through mud is one of the best things ever! Just ask Blueberry! She likes to give the guys at the car wash a challenge when they have to clean the inside of the car.

  13. Hey ryder do you have your picture ready? you can email me at moms email address and i will send it onto

  14. Oh, Collieday sounds like a great day! And mud...oh, our Sibes sure would love to join in that fun!

  15. Hmmm, doing erands sounds like Dog Dad.

  16. It sounds like you had a great day with your mom! Those days are so much fun and so special!

  17. Oooh Mud!!!! But it sounds like everyone needed baths when they got home. But it was worth it, right?

  18. Days off work always seem to be super busy around our house

    Stop on by for a visit

  19. Mom is lucky to have you guys to fill her days. My guys will just lay on the couch until I encourage them to get up. :-)
