Monday, September 4, 2017

Got stains?

We have puppies, and we have wood floors, so I jumped at the chance to review Nature's Miracle Hard Floor stain remover for  Because puppies and even adult dogs have the occasional accident, and sometimes you aren't home to clean up the mess as quickly as possible, stains are the unfortunate result.

With a few stains on my floors, I was hoping that this would be the Miracle I have been hoping for, I figured it was certainly worth a try!

before photo

The directions are relatively simple:
Apply to stained area, making sure that Nature’s Miracle(R) Dual-Action Hard Floor Stain and Odor Remover thoroughly saturates all of the affected surface. Wipe dry with a cloth. No need to rinse with water. Repeat if necessary.

The bottle also advises that you try a hidden section of the floor first, to make sure it does not damage the wood.

We gave it a try, and then tried twice more.

Unfortunately, I didn't see any change in the stain.  But I am going to try a few more times, I am still hopeful.  So while I can't recommend this product for stain removal from wood floors, it didn't harm my floors.  And it does contain Nature's Miracle odor remover, which may help deter future accidents in this area, which is always a plus.  According to the company, the Natures Miracle dual action hard floor stain remover can also help remove odors from litterboxes and kennels,so it has other uses as well.

after photo
One thing I wanted to add, is that this stain is quite old, so maybe if you try this on a new stain it would be more successful.  

Nature's Miracle Dual Action Hard Floor Stain & Odor Remover attacks pet stains from urine, feces, vomit, and grease on hardwoods, concrete, pet kennels, litter boxes, and any other solid surface. Bio-enzymatic agents penetrate deep into the surface and get rid of stains and odors.
Key Benefits
  • Odor-locking technology seeks out, traps, and works to actually destroys stain and odor matter
  • Specially formulated to safely remove stains and odors from hard surfaces
  • Safe for all hard floors and surfaces
  • No rinsing necessary
  • Safely works to eliminate new and deep-set stains and odors from sealed wood, ceramic tiles, vinyl, linoleum, brick, concrete and grout

We were sent this product for free, for our honest opinion. did not compensate us for this review.


  1. I have never, ever, ever had an accident.....BOL!!!!! okays, that's a lie! Though, we don't gots no beautiful hardwoods, so this would be helpful for us, butts Ma does loves the Nature's Miracle stuffs. And I loves your honest review, and if we had the hardwoods, I would give this a try!
    I hopes you guys had a most FABulous Labor Day weekend!! And I hopes you got some cheesyburgers and tube steaks and IScreams! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  2. Thank you for an honest review!
    Hazel & Mabel

  3. It sounds like it's worth a try! Great review!

  4. Our mom has tried everything cos us pugs are bad about following the pee rules of the household--mom has tried everything..right now she is using angry orange, with so-so results, she is going to go buy some of the natures miracle though cos it has a righter rating then the orange....but the orange smells real good!!! Mags

  5. I hope it will work when you use it again and again. thanks for a great review!!! we had to replace one floor after my puppy-hood... after 87 mighty yellow rivers there was no way to rescue the floor ;o)

  6. Thank you for your honesty! Nature's Miracle products are usually great.

  7. hello collies its dennis the vizsla dog hay naytchers mirakul!!! my mama and dada hav sum of that!!! not that i ever mayk a mess on the carpet or ennything no sir i think it is a prekawshun in kayse dada spils his fud or sumthing!!! ok bye
