Saturday, January 9, 2016

Fromm's Four-star Nutritionals low fat Liver treats, our first review of 2016

We were asked to do a new review for of one of the many products they sell, Fromm's Liver treats.  And Holly and Kori asked if they could help with this review, since Ryder gets to be featured in so many of our reviews they wanted a turn.  (What can we say, the boy knows how to pose!)   Now Fromm is a company we know and trust, so we were happy to do this review.  Fromm is a family owned company and all of their ingredients are made here in the USA.  With so many dogs getting sick from treats made in China, or from treats made in the USA but with ingredients made in China, this is something that is very important to us.

"Hey Kori, what did Mom say?"

"She said dogs are getting sick from some treats!"

With these sweet faces depending on me to take care of them and provide healthy food and treats, the quality and taste are equally important.  Because let's face it, if the treats don't taste good, the collies won't eat them.

"Can Ryder top this pose?!?"

With Fromm dog food and treats, you know they care about your dogs' health.  These treats have limited ingredients, so you know exactly what you are feeding your pets.  (While these treats do contain wheat, Fromm also has a line of grain-free treats.)

Fromm Four Star Nutritionals Liver Treats - Ingredients

Wheat flour, fresh turkey liver, salt, garlic powder

"Have we posed long enough, can we have some now?"

And these treats are small, and low in calories, so they are perfect little rewards while training your dog!

Key Benefits
  • One calorie per treat
  • 100% USDA-inspected ingredients
  • Made in Wisconsin in a USDA-plant

So the final test was the taste.  And after sampling the treats not once, not twice, but three times....the collies all agree, they are yummy.  While I am happy about the small size, to keep the collies at a healthy weight, they would have appreciated a slightly larger treat as some of the collies swallowed the treats whole, without even chewing them!  Would we recommend these to others or buy them again?  The answer is yes, they are a high quality treat, perfect for use as a training reward, but just be careful if your dogs are voracious eaters.

We were given this product free from for our honest opinion, and we were not compensated in any way.  Thanks Chewy and thanks Sydney for sending us these treats!


  1. Pawsome posing! Hope you got lots of treats!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

    1. Aww, thank you! Leah, Ryder wants me to mention that he as a little crush on you! /he thinks you are a very pretty pup!

  2. excellent review girls and those do sound like wonderful and tasty treats

    1. We have called and spoken with representatives of Fromm, when we had questions in the past, and they are a pleasure to deal with. So much so, in fact, that when we had to choose a puppy food for Scarlett and Tate we went with Fromm's puppy food. Yes, there a lot of really good foods out there now, but I find myself staying clear of any company that has had a recall in the past. It can be hard to know who to trust, and that is why I will only do reviews on the products I trust. (I know you feel the same way.)

  3. Honey adores liver. But because the liver processes waste in the body, it's really important to make sure it's coming form healthy animals.

    Glad you found a treat you and the pups can feel good about.

    1. You know that is something I never even considered! But thank you for mentioning that to us, it is definitely something to keep in mind when purchasing liver treats.

      At dog shows it is commonplace to see collie handlers using real liver as bait in the ring. It is so common in fact, that we joke and call it "collie liver." (not because it's made from the liver of collies, lol, but because collies love it!) But we use liver sold for human consumption, and then prepared in a special way for the dog shows. I will post a recipe sometime soon, so you can see. But after reading your comment, I think I will make sure I purchase the liver from the special meat store that only sells meat that comes from animals that were raised on all-natural diets without any hormones...

  4. Great Review; this is the same treat that Hunter got and being the picky(!!!!) Bichon he is, he ate one but it isn't a treat he'd beg for. Your collies are so beautiful! Thanks for visiting me-I'm going to go back and read past posts.
    Have a great week!
    Wags, Noreen and Hunter

  5. New friends - hurray!

    You look pawesome at the thing the people ask us to do called "posing". I sure you hope you got lots of those great-looking treats?

  6. I feed my dogs Fromm food, but have never bought any of their treats. Will have to give some a try on our next order.

    You job on your review! They should hire you as spokesdoggies :)

  7. I have never tried anything "Fromm" and I'm not sure little Jaxson has tasted liver treats yet. I will have to give it a try. Your review makes it sound healthy and tasty. Thanks, we'll be back to visit again.

  8. You two looks beautiful in that pose! Those look like great training treats. I like tiny ones for that!
