Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The collies are grateful...

Many of you know that our human sister was attacked by a large dog on Sunday.  (we sure wish we could have a talk with that dog!). But there is Good news - our human sister is healing!  Her human doctor said her wounds are looking better!  We think its because of all the good thoughts and prayers she has received, thank you all so much!

Holly's surgery is on Friday, the animal doctor is going to remove her injured toe, and send it off to the pathologist.  Paws crossed that it comes back negative for cancer!  Our mom is very worried about her.

Also, we entered Ryder's picture in the Blogville calendar contest.  He is receiving overwhelming support from all our collie friends, and we are so grateful!  Thank you everyone!

And please, please, please consider purchasing a calendar when the contest ends.  The money from the sale of the calendars is going to help one special little dog, Benny the French Bulldog, who is fighting cancer.  We lost one of our own collie family members, Lad, to cancer when he was only 7 years old.  And we want to help Benny win his battle.

Abby, Lad and Holly


  1. So glad that your daughter is healing. I know how those bites can be as I was bite by my Gracie when she was attacked by a pit bull a few years ago. Scary situation.
    YOur photo for the contest is once again beautiful. We didn't get one in this time, with the move and settling in I just didn't get it done. Hope they raise lots of $$ for Benny.
    Hugs to you and the Collies.

  2. That is wonderful news about your human sister - we hope she continues to heal well.

    All paws crossed for Holly's surgery too.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  3. We sure like to hear good news. More healing thoughts.

    Essex & Sherman

  4. I hope that all goes smoothly for Holly. My departed dog, K, had a toe amputated, and she did fine without it. I hope that you get good news.

    I'm so glad that your human sister is healing.

    I love the photo of the 3 of you!

  5. Those are nasty marks on your human sister. We're sorry that it happened at all. We bet that your human sister wouldn't want anything bad to happen to that bad dog. Well, maybe she might wish for it to be muzzled in public next time. We'll look into buying a calendar because you asked and because we like you guys. Best wishes to you all.

  6. OH-MY-GOODNESS!! I've missed your blog because of the week I've been having, and I see that you've had a bad week too!! I'm so, so sorry about what's going on in your corner of the world--Please take care and know that I am sending healthy, healing thoughts in your direction!!

  7. Our fingers are crossed that Holly is free of the big C!

  8. Glad your sister is doing OK. Good luck with the contest, I noticed you guys were doing pretty well!

  9. We feel much better to read that your human sister in on good way of healing! That's great! We often thought of her the time in between and hopes she is better!
    We won't stop now and wish you all the very best for the operation and we have a very good feeling that there is no cancer in that toe! For sure!

  10. I'm glad to hear your sister is feeling better, I had a bit once in the top of my hand that I remember how badly one little puncture wound hurt. I've added her to my prayer list.

    Also adding Holly too. Thanks for supporting us in the contest, I hope we raise some good money for Benny!!

  11. Ryder's picture is simply gorgeous!!

    Be sure to let us know how Holly's surgery goes.

  12. We hope all comes back good. We did the calender last year but have been doing our own thing to help Benny xxx00xxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  13. Howdy Mates, great news about your sissy. Phew, that is a big relief. Good luck Holly with your surgery. We just know you will be FINE!! No worries, (especially for Holly) and love, Stella and Rory

  14. So glad to read your human sister is healing and I hope Holly got along great with her surgery and sending good thoughts for the results.
    ~Rebecca & Teach

  15. We have our fingers crossed that everything goes well in your neck of the woods for your human sister, and Holly!

    You guys rocked in the calender contest! Congrats! <3 Have a wonderful labor day, Francesca
