Monday, November 26, 2012

Question...and our thanks!

Ok all you dog bloggers out there…we have a question!

We have read your posts, where you review products from new companies, like Mr. Chewy or Hartz, and how you get free dog treats/toys/products to try.  What we NEED to know is how does this happen?  We REALLY want to be asked for our opinion on tasty treats and fun toys!  We feel that collies need to be heard, that our barks of approval will help these companies sell their products!  But we don’t know how you are all getting noticed by these companies.  So please, share your secret?

This sad Ryder pup is going to lay here and pout, until some company asks for his opinion!

And we wanted to let everyone know that Ryder and Kori did win the calendar photo contest!  They are going to be Cover Collies!  Their picture will also be used for the month of January.  We wanted to thank everyone who voted for them, your support was deeply appreciated!

Also, anyone looking for a 2013 calendar?  Look no further!  This is a great opportunity to pick up a calendar AND help two other bloggers and their dogs.  As soon as the calendars go on sale, I will post a link.


  1. nobody wants me opinion either...sigh...
    stella rose

  2. Mr Chewy usually contacts bloggers direct...he contacted us but we didn't like the fact that we had to provide credit card details to check out even though there were no charges involved. Why do need that when there in no charges??? You have to be a bit careful of some of these "free" things - they can sting you for postage or will inundate your email. Mr Chewy is very good though and if you don't mind giving that credit card information then from everyone has said it is worth doing a review for them.

    Please consider doing away with that "prove you are not a robot" thing - it drives our dyslexic Mom crazy - it often takes her 3 goes just to try and get the right code. You can set your preferences to needs approval for messages instead and then you just click the ones you want to keep and get rid of any spam.

    1. I didn't know my blog was asking people for that! We'll try to put a stop to it tonight! Thanks!

    2. We took off the security, so far, no spam. So we'll have see how it goes...

  3. I stopped my prove you're not a robot & immediately got a bunch of spam! you might want to leave it , just sayin :)

    1. Thanks, we are giving it a trial run. But I'll keep an eye on it. :)

  4. Congrats on your win in the calendar contest - you will make great cover pups:)

    We buy from Mr. Chewy, but Mom turns down all those requests to do reviews - she is a little leery of all that stuff.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

    1. Yeah, your mom might be right. And the collies are already spoiled, with two overflowing toy boxes. Lol

  5. I can't offer an information on the review stuff as we don't have any experience with that.
    I was going to say something about the robot function. It's a pain, often times difficult to read like someone mentioned above. So far I have only had one post that I received spam and I just went in and cleared it out.
    You may find you get lots more comments, as a lot of people don't like to take the time to prove they are not a robot.
    Good luck in finding more information concerning product reviews.

    1. Thanks! I didn't even know the "prove you're not a robot" function was turned on...but I turned it off for now. So far, no spam.

  6. Congratulations on the calender cover. Ryder and Kori are going to make it a great January. Nothing like midwinter and seeing two beautiful collies. :)

    As far as doing reviews, I'm not sure how the companies decide, but when we got 100 followers, we started getting emails for various things. We haven't done very many of them and we am rather cautious about what we do, but it is kind of fun. Hope that helps. :)

    1. Thank you! My mom has already asked me to order her one too. She loves her grandcollies! :)

      Thanks for the info, I thought it would be fun. But not if you have to provide your credit card info, like Cowdpotdogs mentioned above. We will just wait to be asked.

  7. Congratulations on making the cover! I gave you and Schatzie one vote each cause I could not decide - both photos were stunning! Sadly, there could only be one winner! ;)

    I have no idea about the product review thing. Maybe Jen over at MyBrownNewfies could help. She seems to do a fair amount of reviews! :)

    1. Thanks! And I hope you don't mind that we campaigned for Blueberry a bit. We wanted to see her in the calendar too. :)

  8. Can't help you on that one but big congratulations on the calender. have you tried emailing companies :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Thank you!

      And no, we will just wait to be asked. It's not as if the collies are in need of more toys! Lol

  9. We don't seem to have any luck getting anything to review either. I don't know much about it.

    1. Oh well, at least we aren't tno only ones then!

  10. Reviewers contacted my two blogs after we were pretty well established. Some people put a note in their sidebar saying that they are open to doing reviews.

    You can also contact companies you like & ask if they would be willing to have you do a review.

    Also you asked us about holiday cards. We love both Shutterfly & Tiny Prints.

    Nubbin wiggles,

    1. Thanks, we ended up ordering from Shutterfly! :)

  11. Hi, we love collies. You guys are kind of like my sheltie brother and sister, only taller and of course, outstanding beautiful. We've been asked by Mr, Chewy but that just came out of the blue. We decided not to participate because, well because, my peeps didn't want to commercialize my web-site. Can you believe that? They give up the opportunity to get us treats, for free. Silly peeps.
