Friday, July 6, 2012

We were given an award!

We were given an award by another "blogger!" The blog is called "Collies of the Meadow," and it is filled with humor, stories about collies and wonderful pictures. Chuck writes the blog about the day to day lives of his collies and his love of the breed is evident in every post. He gave us this award, which is very special because it features a picture of his collie Trevor, who recently passed on to the Rainbow Bridge.
You can check out his blog here: Thank you Collies of the Meadow!


  1. Your dogs are beautiful. You deserve the award. I've always loved collies as well, but didn't know there was a smooth coated one. They are just beautiful.

    OH, and those puppies...too adorable!!

    1. The smooths are wonderful, they have the same great collie temperament, but less hair! :)

  2. I see you have become friends with the Collies. And congratulations on the award they gave you. Watch out for Ginger though. If you do everything she tells you, you'll really be in trouble.

    1. I actually found your blog through theirs. :) I am really enjoying your blog, it's obvious you love your dog very much! :)
