Sunday, August 30, 2015

Happy Birthday Collies, and a review for Chewy!

Today was a special day in our home.  Why?  Today our Ryder and Kori turned 4 years old.  Its hard to believe they are 4 already, but it also seems like they have always been a part of our family.  They have different personalities, with Ryder being more sensitive and preferring to spend his time with us.  Kori on the other hand is a little more focused on playing with the other smooth girls in our family. (but she still needs her cuddle time) They both have the sweet and gentle collie personalities, and they are both very loved.

 Before they received their birthday presents, they posed with Pumpkin for our newest review for  They sent us Orijen Alberta Freeze dried Lamb dog treats and for Pumpkin, they sent us a Temptations snacky mouse cat treat toy.

They LOVED the treats!  Five out of five collies approved!  And looking at the ingredients, I love the quality.  Unlike so many dog treats you find on the store shelves these days, Orijen Alberta Lamb treats has just three ingredients.  Just. Three. Ingredients.  The only thing you will find in these treats are lamb, lamb liver and lamb tripe.  And what really sold me on these treats, is that none of the ingredients were outsourced.  So there is no need to worry about questionable ingredients from China or other countries.

And the Temptations Snacky Mouse Toy was really fun.  It took Pumpkin a few minutes to figure out how it worked, but once she caught on, she was fixated on it.  A toy that she could play with that dispensed treats?  Kitty heaven!  I can see this toy making lots of cats happy around the holidays!  It's definitely something we would recommend to others.

 Then it was time for toys and special birthday cookies.  They were so patient and so good for me.  I was happy to see they still remembered the "leave it" command I had taught them when they were puppies.  I guess a "collie never forgets!"

And finally, it was time for cake.  They are such good dogs, such amazing friends, they deserve to be spoiled on their special day!

If you want to read about their amazing birth story, click here:
Happy 1st birthday!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Sunnybank revisted...

"Collie Social" Photo courtesy of Faith Peters

Every August they travel from far and wide to visit a small park in New Jersey.  Some come alone, but most of them come with their four-footed best friends.  If you ask them why they made the trip, they will all respond with the same sentiment, they love collies and they love Sunnybank.  Most of the individuals who attend “The Gathering” each year grew up reading the stories written by Albert Payson Terhune.  Many of them fell in love with collies because of the stories of the heroic and loveable collies of Sunnybank.  Such is the impact of Terhune’s books about his Sunnybank collies, that even now, 100 years later, people still love his collie stories. 

Terhune with Gray Dawn, Explorer and Sigurdson
We have attended The Gathering of Collies at Sunnybank many times.  And each time, as I walk across the green grass, shaded by the old trees and bordered by the fire blue lake, I am transported back to the days when Sunnybank belonged to Terhune and his collies.

Skyler by the Fire Blue Lake - photo courtesy of Faith Peters

One can’t help but imagine Lad, Lady, Bruce, Gray Dawn and Wolf running across the lawn, carefree and beautiful as they rush to greet the Master and Mistress.  While the Sunnybank collies are long gone, along with Terhune and his wife, Anice, their memories will live on in the hearts and minds of collie lovers all over the world.  And for one weekend every August collies once again return to play and romp on the lawn and hills of Sunnybank.  And in my opinion, the fact that these collies can all be traced back to the great Sunnybank collies of the past just makes it all the more special!  It is a magical sight that brings joy to every collie lover able to make the journey to The Gathering.

photo courtesy of Linda DeYoung
Last week The Gathering was held at Sunnybank and individuals from all over attended.  On Saturday there were discussions on collie health related topics.  There was also a rescue parade, to celebrate all the collies that were rescued from shelters and adopted into loving families.  And on Sunday the puppies are celebrated with a puppy match. 

Sunnybank Friends Gather Together  (photo by Faith Peters)

Puppy Match - photo courtesy of Linda DeYoung

It is a fun weekend, and gives everyone a chance to socialize with other collie lovers while strolling the grounds of Sunnybank.  Visitors attending the Gathering can even sign up for a walking tour of Sunnybank and visit the graves of all the Sunnybank collies of the past.

The original Sunnybank house, long gone, but never forgotten.


There is even a junior handling competition for kids interested in learning how to show collies.

Captain, Scarlett's brother and littermate.
The AKC even featured an article about The Gathering, which you can read here:
crazy for collies

and here is an article about Albert Payson Terhune:

And check out Scarlett's trip to Sunnybank, as a puppy!
Sunnybank Scarlett

just a few of our friends we were lucky enough to meet up with at The Gathering- photo by Faith Peters