Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pictures from a colliefull weekend!

This weekend we celebrated Ryder and Kori's 3rd birthday!  We took a ride to the local dog park, for some play time with friends. 

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Ryder - King of the mountain!

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Who's under my mountain?

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Tag!  You're it!

Then we went for a short hike, and stopped for pictures by our favorite lake!

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Abby, celebrating her kids' birthday!

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We had trouble picking which one was our favorite Ryder picture! lol

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Scarlett can strike a pretty pose too!

And then we went swimming!  (Well, the smooth girls did, Ryder didn't want to get his fur wet this time. BOL!)

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Abby, jumped right in - I think they were all hot from running around the park!

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Holly, showing that even though she is the senior collie, she is the best swimmer!

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Then we went back home, and had a cake, that our family bought, just for us!

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Make a wish!

And we even got an email from our brother Luke, wishing us a happy birthday, and telling us all about this past year with this family!  What a pawsome day!

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Little Luke - not so little anymore!